Twisted Enchantment (Unbreakable Force Book 5)

Twisted Enchantment (Unbreakable Force Book 5) by Kara Jaynes Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Twisted Enchantment (Unbreakable Force Book 5) by Kara Jaynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Jaynes
leg. Not to mention they’ll have someone keeping watch to alert them even if we were to attack.”
    “If we don’t continue,” I countered, “we won’t gain any ground and they’ll beat us to the city.”
    “It’s a risk we’ll have to take.” The outcast king would not be swayed. I wanted to strangle him. “If we lame a horse, we won’t stand a chance of catching up to them.”
    “Fine.” I slipped down from my horse into the snow. I trudged past Zero, giving him the full force of my glare. The fool man didn’t even look up from his work.
    Aaric started picking up branches and twigs. “We won’t need those,” I said. “A fire may alert them.”
    “Unfortunately, you’re right,” Fyrsil said to me. He’d sat on the blankets Zero had unpacked, content to let his servant do all the work. “If they find out we’re here, best case they will increase their speed and beat us to the city. Worst case they’ll come back and kill us.”
    Aaric helped me set up our tent and lay our fur blankets inside. After that we huddled together for warmth at the entrance. Aaric pulled some food from our supplies, stale bread and cheese, and handed some to me. My stomach clenched at the idea of food, but I took some bread and nibbled it anyway; I would need my strength.
    “How do you know so much about the Twyli?” I finally asked Fyrsil.
    The brigand king yawned, stretching his arms above his head. “Anyone will talk if you hurt them enough.” He headed for his tent, leaving Aaric and I alone. I shuddered. Fyrsil definitely had his own moral code. I didn’t like the Twyli, but torturing someone into talking seemed wrong.
    “How are you feeling?” Aaric asked gently.
    “Will we be able to save her?” I mumbled, feeling the all too familiar lump form in my throat.
    “Of course.” Aaric put his arms around me, drawing me to his chest. I let him, drawing comfort from his closeness, breathing in his masculine scent, the hint of coffee gone.
    “I should have watched her more closely,” I said, pressing my face against his jacket. “But when I saw that crazed Twyli woman attack you, I couldn’t help myself but go back to help.”
    He ran a hand gently through my hair, being careful not to tug any matted strands. “Get some sleep, love.” He kissed my forehead. “I’ll take the first watch.”
    I nodded and crawled inside our tent, wrapping myself in the soft, warm furs the clan had given to us as a wedding gift. I was so tired. My head felt like it was made of straw, and my eyes felt like they had sand in them, but sleep wouldn’t come. I tossed and turned, my mind dwelling on Dahlia and whether she was all right. It hurt to think of her in the clutches of those who meant to take her life. I didn’t think she was dead, not yet, anyway. They needed her “essence,” whatever that was, and Fyrsil had told me after the skirmish that they would take her to Twyarinoth for that. If I could just get her back before we reached the city, everything would be okay.
    My eyelids drooped, and I found myself drifting in and out of sleep.

    T he dreams I had were strange: Fyrsil standing in thin air, looking down at a massive, dark city. It somehow belonged to him, but it wasn’t Sen Altare. Aaric, talking to an enormous, winged creature with shimmering blue scales. The strange Twyli I had spoken to back in the village beckoning me into a deep fog. Dahlia, strapped to a strange table, unable to move, her eyes filled with terror. Dark figures bent over her. The last image jolted me awake, and I lay there shivering and sweating.
    Aaric’s slumbering form lay next to me. I’d slept longer than I had realized. I pushed the covers aside and crawled to the tent opening and outside, careful not to wake Aaric.
    Zero was leaning against a tree. He glanced over at me for a moment, then went back to scanning the trees, shrubs, and everything in between.
    I rubbed my arms, trying to keep warm. “Is it just me,

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