U.G.L.Y by H. A. Rhoades Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: U.G.L.Y by H. A. Rhoades Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. A. Rhoades
he road ran on into the dark and the music played in the background. An image began to form in my cloudy mind.
    The morning sun streaked through gaps in window curtains, beams stretch across a quiet room. I opened my eyes and found myself lying in bed. It was morning, and I could feel a warmth in the air, like summer. The windows in the room were open and a ceiling fan was spinning overhead, circulating warm soothing air around my body.
    I didn't know how I got there but it felt good. I felt good, no stress, or tension, nothing lingering or nagging in my mind. I hadn't felt like that in a very long time.
         A soft moan escaped a body lying next to me. C overed in a thin white bed sheet. I turned to see my partner but I can't focus on her. The figure rolled over to face me and as she did the sheet slips to the side revealing a beautiful naked body.
    I followed the curves of her body as my focus cleared. I traced the curve of her legs, her hips, her mid section, the swell of her breasts. My eyes rolled over her shoulders and along her neck, I stopped to focus on her hair, it was dark with subtle curls.
    Her form was familiar. I had felt her before, felt her presence, I knew her, but her face was not clear. S he wasn't recognizable but still attached to me somehow. I knew her as my lover.
    She slid towards me and gently grasped my erection, gent ly kissing me . T ightening her grip she slowly moved her hand, sending an intense sensation through my body with each stroke . She slid her tongue into my mouth, caressing mine .
    I felt an overwhelming warmth and love. I knew I loved this woman but I still didn't know who she was . I couldn't focus on her face.
    She wrapped her legs around me and I could feel her heat against my leg. I could feel how aroused she was . She was wet, pressing hard against me she moaned softly.
    In the distance, outside the bedroom window a horn began to blow. A deep horn like the kind you hear on a big truck. It began to get louder and sound closer. E ventually it sounded like a truck had pulled up under the window of the bedroom and blared its horn. As it got louder the light in the room got brighter. Brighter and brighter until the beautiful form of this woman was washed out by the light .
         I opened my eyes to find I had fallen asleep and drifted across lanes. I was facing the headlights of a very large semi truck.
    Panicked, I sat upright in the drivers seat. I leaned forward and jerked the steering wheel hard to the left. The semi truck attempted to swerve out of my path but the two vehicles made contact. It didn't take more than a touch at the speed we were traveling. A slight touch was enough to send my SUV into a spin and it careened off the road into the dark desert.  
         I managed to keep control of the car and bring it to a stop. I laid my head down on the steering wheel. My body shook from the adrenaline rush that was so intense, I couldn’t stop myself from crying.
         After a while the shaking had stopped and I lifted my head, wiped my eyes and looked out through the windshield. The dust had settled and I could see that the headlights were partially obscured by large desert plants. J ust beyond that, the ground seemed to disappear. 10 Feet ahead of the vehicle, the ground fell away at least 100 feet down into darkness . A very large ditch was cut in to the desert, housing railway tracks as they traveled under the highway.
         I turned off the car, killed the headlights and stepped out into the cool desert air. I took a deep breath and began to feel a calm wash over me again. Still shaking, I sat down on the ground and just stared off to the north, listening to the wind.
    I felt strangely tranquil and after some time my eyes adjusted to the landscape. The desert was f aintly illuminated by a waxing crescent moon. Eventually, I noticed a yellow glow over a hill to the north.
    “ It must be Kramer Junction ” I was talking loudly to no one. “ It cant be

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