Undeniable (Undeniable series)

Undeniable (Undeniable series) by Kimberly Claire Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Undeniable (Undeniable series) by Kimberly Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Claire
voice sounds a little louder than a whisper trying not to wake the others.
    “It’s open ,” I say grabbing my notes and placing them in my side bag.
    Riley’s arms come around my waist as I zip my bag lifting me up into the air. “Riley ,” I giggle. He places me down and I turn to face him. His eyes are alight with brown and amber.
    “I wish you didn’t have to leave ,” he says and I’m strangely sadden by it. One of his hands comes up to cup the side of my face and I softly press my face against it.
    “You will be too busy to notice I’m gone .” I say trying to lighten the mood, but he has that determined face on.
    “Why do you alwa ys do that?” He pulls away from me and sits on my bed head down. I know what he’s talking about. Whenever he says anything intimate or personal like that I change it so that I won’t get hurt or too attached. I will do anything not to feel exposed like that.
    “I’m sorry ,” I say and that’s all I can say about it. He stares at me for a moment then sighs.
    “No I’m sorry , I shouldn’t be pushing you,” he says looking back to me. “We’re almost out of time,” he says more to himself then to me. Looking over to the clock we only have a moment longer before I have to leave and he knows that too. “Be safe,” he says then roughly grabs the back of my neck pressing our lips together hard. “Come back home to me,” he says breaking the kiss and pressing his forehead gently against mine.
    We stay like that for as long as we can before I lean back kissing him quickly on his lips. Grabbing my bag I put my game face back on thinking of only the mission and what I need to do.
    Marcus is already there when I get to the car. I smile at his appearance. “Did you even take a bath?” I say in mock disgust.
    “For you, no ,” he says and we both laugh.
    The drive to the airport isn’t that long , but Marcus falls asleep. Shaking him gently I get him up and onto the plane where he immediately falls back to sleep. Unlike him I take my time looking over my notes. Memorizing maps and insider information that could come in handy. That is the one thing that has saved me more than anything else. Knowledge is power in my line of work.
    “Ms. Parker we are ab out to land.” The flight stewardess says breaking me away from my readings. Looking out the window all I can see are the clouds and how beautiful they are at this distance. If I could I would reach out and run my fingers through them making them something different.
    Peering into the seat behind me I can see Marcus is still out like a light. His golden blond hair is tussled across his forehead and over one eye. I’ve been telling him for weeks to get that hair cut while it only gets longer.  Reaching over him I open the shade that was over his window making him jump. “Gah, Gemma,” he says promptly shutting it. 
    “We’re about to land,” I say putting the last of my notes up as I feel the plane begin to descend. Reaching into the bottom of my bag I grab the energy drink I had brought with me for him. He can be a real ass if he doesn’t get that or coffee. Energy drinks are easier to carry. “Here.” I say handing him the drink when he can keep his eyes open for longer than a few seconds.
    “Thanks ,” he mumbles using one hand to get the hair out of his eyes. He notices the look of disproval I send his way. “I know, I know you hate the hair,” he says after a large chug.
    “Did I say anything?” I say.
    “You’re thinking it way to loud.” He smiles shaking his hair a little on purpose. It’s true I can see myself holding scissors in one hand and his hair in another. 
    When our plane lands we are me t by two of the London’s pack. “Mr. Parker, Ms. Parker what an honor.” One of the men says dropping to a knee in front of us showing his neck towards us.
    “Get up M iles.” The other says quickly pulling the man on his knees up. “Sorry about that,” he says giving Miles a questioning

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