Undercover Love (The Women of Manatee Bay, Book 2)

Undercover Love (The Women of Manatee Bay, Book 2) by Jessica Nelson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Undercover Love (The Women of Manatee Bay, Book 2) by Jessica Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Nelson
stopped chewing long enough to gape as Katrina's conversation registered.
    “Do you want to come?” Katrina rushed on, breathless. “I’d really love to have someone with me while Alec is in meetings.”
    Aquamarine waters. Luscious scents. For a moment, Rachel allowed herself to daydream.
    “You can do all your snooping online, right? Come with us. Get a tan and take a break.”
    She snapped out of her daydream and swallowed the last bit of chocolate. “I don’t snoop, I sleuth. If I could do it all online, I’d be in the Keys right now. As it is, I’m behind.” Only with the mayor, and only because she was tiptoeing around bossy Grant Harkness. “Why doesn’t Alec take his buddy Grant?”
    With him off her hands, she’d have a lot more leeway. Uncle Charlie, bless his forgetful heart, didn’t have the same bias against her the rest of the department did. Just because she’d discovered the truth rather than letting an innocent kid go to jail.
    Brushing her hands over the sink, she frowned. “My life would be a lot easier without Grant around.”
    There was a small hesitation at the other end while the faucet ran. Rachel turned the water off and dried her hands on a towel.
    “I know Grant can be difficult—”
    “Not difficult. A pain .” Rachel put emphasis on the consonants so Katrina would get the point. “He’ll never forget that I showed the department up. Seriously, he’s getting in my way. Get Alec to do something about it. He’s rich enough.”
    “Grant cares about Manatee Bay. He’s just loyal.”
    “Then he should’ve been loyal to Barb’s son, who by law was innocent until proven guilty.” She tossed the Swiss cake roll wrapper in the trash and zipped over to her computer to jiggle the mouse.
    “Are you getting upset?”
    “Not yet, but I will if I have to keep dealing with Mr. Know-it-all.”
    Katrina laughed on the other end. “Grant’s a great guy. Give him a chance.”
    “Like he’s given me? No way.” Rachel shook her head even there was no one else in her silent apartment to see. “I’m too busy to deal with him anyway.”
    “What exactly are you up to?”
    Rachel dug through her pocket. “I’m gathering proof that our mayor is corrupt.”
    “Because of Maggie?”
    “Yes and no.” Where was that drive? She switched to the other pocket of her capris. “He treated Maggie like crap when they were together. But when I was doing some digging for his wife I found files—”
    “Isn’t that illegal?”
    “I can’t find my flash drive.” Rachel straightened, gaze hopping around the room. She shook her head. Why was she looking around the room like an idiot? “It’s gotta be in the car.”
    Katrina cleared her throat. “If you’re breaking into people’s computers then maybe Grant has a right to be concerned?”
    “Mrs. Owens gave me the password. I didn’t realize I was going to find a folder labeled B in the pictures.”
    “Slasher, career druggie and stupidity on legs.” Adrenaline washed through her as she bolted out the front door, back into the sunny evening. Only in Florida would seven o’clock still have a ninety degree heat index. She clicked the unlock button on the remote she’d grabbed off the counter on her way out. The lock popped up and she flung the door open.
    That drive had to be here somewhere.
    “Slasher can’t be stupid if he’s made a career out of selling drugs,” Katrina said.
    “Trust me,” Rachel thrust her fingers beneath her seat and started groping the carpet. “The police arrest him and he always gets off on technicalities. I looked up his record. Someone’s protecting him. Someone big.”
    “Like the mayor?” Katrina sounded confused.
    “Possibly. Or maybe someone with more clout than the mayor.” Dang it. No drive. She pulled her hand out and lifted the floor mats. “I love you and I'm sorry to be so curt, but I have to let you go. My flash drive is missing.”
    “I hope you find it.”

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