Unusual Inheritance
the food!
    Jed helped Stormy down from his horse when
they arrived back at the ranch. “I need to talk with you in
private,” he said as he tied his horse to the hitching post.
    “Ok, come on into the house,” she
    “No, I don’t want anyone to know about this
meeting. There are some things going on here at the ranch you don’t
know about and we need to discuss what needs to be done,” he
    “Meet me behind the old storage shed as soon
as it gets dark tonight. Don’t use a lantern. Someone might see
    Stormy knew this was serious. She could hear
it in his voice. “Don’t worry, I can follow the path to the
bunkhouse water well and then cut across to the shed without being
    “Okay, see you then, and Stormy, be careful.
I think Jake is up to no good and I don’t want him to know we are
on to him.” He wanted to hold her and kiss her but he had already
detained her too long and the ranch hands and Jake were watching
from the bunkhouse.
    Carmen grabbed Katy Marie and then Stormy.
“Oh I’m so glad Mr. Jed found you and brought you back. I thought I
would never see you again when those Injuns took off with the two
of you. I was so frightened, Miss Stormy,” Carmen said as she tied
her apron around her ample waist. “I go right now and fix you both
something to eat”
    Katy Marie, no worse for wear, followed
Carmen to the kitchen, her words trailing off….”Carmen, did you
know Injuns eat with their fingers……..”
    Night time arrived and after making sure no
one was outside Stormy started toward the shed. At least she would
finally find out what Jed was hiding and what Jake had been up
    The quiet of the night made her every move
sound amplified, so she moved as silently as possible. Once she
thought she heard voices, but she realized they must be coming from
inside the bunkhouse. Cricket sounds became evident the closer she
came to the shed. It was probably because the river was not far
beyond it. The half-moon gave her a sliver of light and she could
now see the outline of the old storage shed.
    Stormy rounded the corner to the back of the
shed and called for Jed. “Jed,” she whispered. “Are you here?” She
    Jed walked forward from the blackness of the
bushes. “Yes.” he replied. “I’m right here.” He reached out his
hand in the dark and she felt his fingers brush her arm. She
grabbed his hand and he took her through the dark woods to a
clearing where he they could sit on a log a talk.
    “Stormy, I’m not who you think I am.” Jed
started. He put a finger to her lips as she started to speak. “Let
me finish and then you will understand,” he added. “Your Aunt Lucy
brought me to the ranch about six months before she died. She was
losing money and had a feeling that something strange was going on,
but the sicker she got the less she could deal with investigating
it. She was friends with my father and together they cooked up a
plan for me to work here and secretly try and find out what is
going on. The truth is your Aunt Lucy hired me but after she died I
had a choice to make.
    I was not having much luck to start with and
was thinking of calling it quits when your Aunt died. I felt that I
needed to stay on a bit longer just to make sure her holdings were
safe. Then you came to live here and other strange things began to
happen. It was then I knew something was wrong. I figured out you
were suspicious as well and that scared me. Jake seems to be
getting more agitated and may not be someone you want to cross. I
have been so afraid for you.” He admitted. At least I’m pretty sure
it’s Jake,” he added.
    “You…you were afraid for me?” Stormy
repeated. “I did know something was up and I could tell you were
hiding something but I wasn’t sure who to trust. I know cattle are
missing and too much money is being spent on supplies, but that is
all I could find out.”
    Jake began to soothe her then quickly he
covered her mouth. ”Shhh,”

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