Urban Climber 2

Urban Climber 2 by S.V. Hunter Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Urban Climber 2 by S.V. Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.V. Hunter
tail is a blur, so it’s no use trying to grab it now because I know I’ll only fall.
    Ash has called me at least three times, but I haven’t picked up. I can’t. I don’t know what to say. Things are just too messy. I shouldn’t have slept with him. I mean, even though I took off the ring, it’s not like I wasn’t engaged. I was. And I cheated on Hugo. I fucked someone else. More than once.
    It wasn’t like I was drunk, either. And what’s more, I enjoyed it. Like, really, really enjoyed it. I mean, if I think about it, now I’m no better than Hugo. And that upsets me. Sure, I could make an excuse for myself and say that people cheat all the time, but I don’t. Animal instinct took over, and lust fueled what I did. I lost my mind for a day … okay, maybe a few days. I thought I didn’t need Hugo, but I was wrong. I need him in ways I never thought possible.
    Anyway, I thought about it all night, and today, I’m gonna go back to class. Chances are, Ash won’t be there anyway. Knowing him, he’ll be out scaling some building so he gets his superhero fix before the weekend.
    Gosh, why can’t he just grow up and be sensible? It’s almost embarrassing how he carries on. Well, if I think about it, it is. A grown man, in his thirties, climbing buildings? Who does that? Then there’s his reckless driving on a piece of machinery so expensive it makes the Hugo-mobile look cheap. And after all that wasteful expense, he’s still never on time. Always late, and for what? Just so he can be seen to not give a damn? What a jerk. He needs to grow up. That’s what he needs to do. And he needs to get out of my head because the more I think about him, the more irritated I get.
    I slip into the lecture late for the first time in my life. Strangely, I don’t even feel guilty. I slide down into the nearest seat I can find—right in the front row but in the corner where it’s nice and dark. The professor smiles at me warmly but doesn’t say a word. I’m so grateful I just about squeal, but I manage to keep my mouth shut.
    My stomach churns as the coolness of a pair of steel grey eyes pierce through my skin. Yeah, Ash is here. I saw him sitting in the back row the moment I stepped into the room. He’s kinda hard to ignore, but I do it. I’m here to get my notes, hand in my assignments, and get out. Should be fairly simple, seeing as I’m right next to the door.
    The lecture finishes earlier than I expect, but I’m just grateful to have my mind on something other than the past couple of weeks. Taking notes from Dr. Pritchard’s monotonous dribble seems like therapy now—it’s almost relaxing . I’m in another world, still scrawling as the professor stops by my desk on the way out the door. “Are you okay, Miss Hemsworth?”
    “Sure am.” I smile, handing him my assignments. “Thanks for not making a big deal about my lateness.”
    “There’s a first for everything.” He smiles warmly. “Thought I’d be hip and let it go. I know how much of a good student you are. Welcome back. I’ve missed seeing your smiling face.”
    “Oh um, th-thanks, Dr. Pritchard,” I stammer, gathering my things up from the desk as he saunters out of the room. The guy must be in his sixties. Him “missing” my face is wrong on so many levels I can’t help but shudder. Ick.
    “Hey, baby girl.”
    A chill runs down my spine. Shit. That deep, sexy voice. All I had to do was walk out the door, that’s all. But because of Dr. Pritchard, my escape plan was foiled. And now I’m stuck here having to face the music.
    His deep, raspy tones caress my senses, and my body quivers. But I have to stay calm. I’m not gonna get in a flutter. How I feel about him is just a crush. A crush because he’s different. So different than anything I’ve ever experienced. Our first kiss flashes back into my mind. I swallow, and my knees wobble beneath me. Pull it together,

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