
Valour by John Gwynne Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Valour by John Gwynne Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Gwynne
the crow.
    It was dark when Marrock and the others returned, Dath carrying two hares over his shoulder. In short time the animals were skinned, gutted and boned, chopped into little pieces and dropped into
a pot of boiling water.
    Craf made disgusting noises as he helped himself to the hare’s entrails.
    That bird makes me feel sick
    It didn’t stop Corban eating, though. The stew tasted like the finest meal to him, even as his mind told him it was watery, the meat stringy.
    Two men were sent to relieve those on watch, Vonn being one of them. Dath glowered at his back as Vonn trudged into the gloom.
    ‘His da betrayed us all. Can he be trusted to guard us?’ he muttered to Corban.
    ‘None of that,’ Halion said, overhearing. ‘He’s suffered, lost people, same as the rest of us.’
    ‘She was
sister,’ Dath grumbled.
daughter,’ Mordwyr said. ‘He loved her. Leave him be.’
    Dath’s mouth became a hard line but he said nothing more.
    The small group sat around the fire, full dark settling about them, the trees sheltering them from the worst of the rain. Grief hovered amongst them like a heavy mist. Corban sat in silence,
just listening, feeling exhausted, numb. His da and sister’s faces danced in his memory every time he closed his eyes.
    ‘So, Halion. Tell us of this plan to take Edana to Domhain.’ It was Marrock who spoke. All other conversation stopped as everyone waited Halion’s answer. ‘Domhain is a
long, dangerous journey,’ Marrock continued. ‘We could still sail from here to Dun Crin and the marshlands in the south of Ardan.’
    ‘We could,’ Halion said, glancing at Edana. She sat staring at the fire, giving no sign of interest in the conversation.
    Edana should be leading us, but she can’t. Marrock is her kin, so has the right, but Halion is her guardian, was given the task to protect her with Brenin’s dying words, as most
of us here heard.
    ‘Eremon rules in Domhain, and he is distant kin to Edana. I know him, and he will not turn her away, or betray her.’
    ‘He turned you away,’ Marrock said.
    Halion stared at Marrock a long, silent moment.
    Heb spoke up now. ‘Tell us of your father. Will he give aid against Owain?’
    Halion grimaced. ‘My father is old, beyond his seventieth year now. When I last saw him he was still sharp of mind. I am his bastard son, you understand, not his heir, but he always
treated me well enough.’
    ‘Then why did you leave Domhain?’ Marrock asked.
    Halion looked about them all, then took a deep breath. ‘Conall, my brother, he has,
. . .’ He paused a moment. ‘He had a temper, and a lot of pride. It got him into
trouble more than once. Growing up, we were fine; my mam was looked after by my da – she was his mistress, one of many. But in his old age he took a wife because he had no heir. Roisin. She
was young, beautiful, and she treated us and my mam well enough, when we saw her, which was rare. Then she fell with child, birthed a boy – Lorcan. Things changed then. She became jealous,
fearful that Conall and I had eyes for the throne of Domhain. And not just us – we were not Eremon’s only bastards. Accidents began to happen; people died. My mam was one.’ He
threw a twig on the fire. ‘Of course, Conall didn’t take that well: he thought that our mam had been murdered. He confronted Roisin, said things he shouldn’t have. Soon after that
my da came to see us, told us he would arrange sanctuary with King Brenin of Ardan.’ He shrugged. ‘We left.’
    ‘So how can you take us there, when your own life is at risk? Surely your enemies will become Edana’s enemies,’ Marrock said.
    ‘There is no safe place, now,’ Halion said. ‘But my father will give Edana sanctuary, of that I am certain. He thought well of Brenin. Maybe he will give other aid. I cannot
promise men, but at least it will be a safer place than most, and far from Owain’s reach.’
    Marrock frowned, thinking over Halion’s

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