Vampire Hunt (Kiera Hudson Series #3)

Vampire Hunt (Kiera Hudson Series #3) by Tim O'Rourke Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Vampire Hunt (Kiera Hudson Series #3) by Tim O'Rourke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim O'Rourke
Tags: Paranormal, Vampires, Young Adult Fiction
hot!” “Potter!” Murphy growled viscously. “Shut your mouth!” “What is she doing on there?” I whispered breathlessly. “She’s my mum!” “It seems impossible,” Luke said, hunkering down beside the armchair and taking my hands in his. “Why?” I asked, fearing the truth. “Why is she with Phillips?”   I looked into Luke’s eyes, hoping that maybe he had the answers. My heart was pounding in my chest and I felt as if I was going to be sick. But before Luke had the chance to say anything, someone shouted from behind us, “Right, you goddamn freaks …move and I’ll shoot the lot of ya!”

Chapter Eight
    I turned around to find myself looking down the long barrel of a shotgun. The man holding it was fat and balding, with a bushy grey beard that swarmed around his chin and neck. His hair looked unnaturally black and I realised I’d been right about him dying his hair.
    “I know who you all are!” he roared angrily. “The news reporter said that you had last been seen in the area and we should keep all our windows and doors locked.”
    That’s why he took his wife and child away tonight – he wanted to protect them from us , I thought to myself. And knowing that I’d been right about that too, didn’t bring me any comfort – not tonight.
    “We’re not who you think we are, Mr. Kenner,” Murphy said.
    “How do you know my name?” he almost seemed to squeal.
    “Ask sweet-cheeks over there,” Potter said, striking a match and lighting-up a cigarette. “Your wife doesn’t like Beyonce by any chance, does she?”
    Glaring at Potter, who was only making the situation worse, I said to the man with the shotgun, “It’s not like you think…”
    “Keep it shut, lady, you ain’t fooling me!” Kenner barked. And waving the gun at us, he said, “Move over there. All of you stand against that wall.”
    We did as he ordered and stood by the fireplace, which snapped and hissed behind us. “And put that cigarette out!” he ordered Potter. “Who said you can smoke in here? This is my house!”
    “No problem,” Potter said, drawing deeply on the cigarette and blowing streams of bluey-grey smoke through his nostrils and mouth. Then, flicking the half-smoked cigarette at the farmer, Potter said, “Here, catch!”
    Instinctively, Kenner raised his arms to protect his face, and in doing so he accidentally fired the shotgun. The cartridges tore into the ceiling, sending down a shower of plaster all over our heads. Before I even realised what was happening, Potter had flashed across the room in a spray of black shadows and disarmed Kenner of his gun. The first he knew about what had happened was when he glanced up to see Potter pointing his gun at him.
    “You need to calm down, soldier, or you’re going to end up hurting someone,” Potter said. “So sit down and stop getting so excited.”
 Throwing his hands into the air and sounding petrified, Kenner screamed, “Don’t hurt me! Pleeeease don’t hurt me!”
    Crossing the room, Murphy took the shotgun from Potter and placed it on the floor. “No one here is going to hurt you, Mr. Kenner,” Murphy said, “you have my word about that.”
    “Please don’t hurt me! I have a wife and child. Pleeeease...!”
    “Like my friend said, no one is going to hurt you,” Luke tried to reassure him.
    “But I saw you all on the T.V…they said you were…”
    “We’re not killers,” Isidor said, sliding his crossbow over his back.
    “What’s your first name?” Murphy asked him.
    “Tom…I’m called Tom.”
    “Well, listen to me, Tom. Whatever you’ve seen on the T.V. about us…it isn’t true. We aren’t going to hurt you…we’re not the enemy,” Murphy tried to reassure him.
    “But on the T.V…I saw you…” he blustered as he glanced fearfully at Potter.
    “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to believe everything you see on T.V?” Potter asked, as he lit another cigarette.
    Seeing this, I couldn’t help but wonder why Potter

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