Vexing the Viscount

Vexing the Viscount by Christie Kelley Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Vexing the Viscount by Christie Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christie Kelley
is one of the worst of the group.”
    â€œPerhaps, but now that he is the viscount I believe he feels a need to be more responsible and that includes taking care of his estate.” Tia had no idea if that were true or not. She also had no idea why she was defending him to someone who most likely knew him better than she did.
    â€œHe’s a rake, through and through,” Emily added with a hint of scorn.
    Tia only shrugged as she clamored into the carriage. She sat back against the velvet squabs with a long sigh. Beautiful red satin lined the enclosed carriage. She had never been privileged to sit in such luxury. The post carriage was far from plush.
    â€œWhat is wrong?” Emily asked as the carriage rolled down Brooke Street.
    â€œNothing,” she replied softly.
    Emily cocked a blond brow at her. “Indeed? As much as you can tell I am feeling unwell, I can tell you are bothered by something. Now, what is wrong?”
    Tia stared down at her ugly brown dress. “I do not belong in such a beautiful carriage. Perhaps I should return to Middleton’s home now.” The last thing she wanted to do was face the irate man who only wanted her to return to the Midlands, but starting a friendship with a lady like Emily seemed improper. They were from very different stations in life. And once Tia left London, she doubted she would get the opportunity to visit for a very long time.
    â€œNo, you said you would help me feel better.” Her face scrunched. “And you will do that.”
    â€œI shall help you and then return.”
    â€œPerhaps,” Emily mumbled.
    The carriage ride was over so quickly, Tia realized she could have walked to the Eldridge home quicker. Arthur assisted Emily down and then looked at Tia.
    â€œShall I escort Miss Featherstone home?” he asked in a hopeful tone.
    â€œNo, Arthur. She is paying a call on me. Help her down.”
    Tia smothered a laugh as Arthur held out his hand to assist her down from the carriage. “Thank you, Arthur.”
    He only shook his head in reply.
    Tia still found it odd that Arthur immediately recognized her for what she was—no one—while Emily insisted Tia return to her home and befriend her. Could Lady Eldridge be that lacking in female companionship?
    Once they reached the entrance, Emily turned to her. “Would you mind if we talked in my bedchamber? I find myself very tired and unwell.”
    â€œOf course, Lady Eldridge.”
    Emily stared at her without moving. “Emily.”
    â€œOf course, Emily,” Tia said, feeling as if she’d been reprimanded. She followed behind her new friend as they ascended the steps. Almost as soon as she entered the room, Emily’s lady maid blustered into the room.
    â€œDid you have a fine day out at the park, my lady?” the woman asked as she removed Emily’s beautiful ivory spencer.
    â€œLovely, but I am a bit tired. Could you bring some tea up for Miss Featherstone and me.”
    It was as if Tia hadn’t existed until the countess proclaimed her presence in the room. The maid bobbed a quick curtsy. “Good afternoon, Miss Featherstone.”
    Tia had no idea the maid’s name, so only nodded at her. “Could you find some peppermint to brew some tea?”
    â€œPeppermint tea?” The maid slid a glance to the countess.
    â€œYes, Mallory. Some peppermint tea for Miss Featherstone. Thank you.”
    Tia watched as Miss Mallory backed out of the room looking dreadful confused by what she’d just encountered in her mistress’s bedchamber. Once the door shut behind her, Tia’s skill took over. “To bed with you, my lady.”
    â€œI cannot retire at this hour. Everyone will be suspicious.”
    â€œNot another word,” Tia said before setting to work at removing the woman’s dress and stays. “Bed, now.”
    Emily scampered under the covers and then lay back against the pillows with a sigh.

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