Vintage (Adrenaline Series Book 2)

Vintage (Adrenaline Series Book 2) by Xavier Neal Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Vintage (Adrenaline Series Book 2) by Xavier Neal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Xavier Neal
mine. “I have to check them out.”
    “Shift almost over?”
    “It is.”
    “Good. I have a surprise for you...”
    Suddenly fear falls on her face. “Merrick...”
    Doesn't anyone trust me?
    “Relax.” I wink. “It's not as bad as you’re thinking.”
    “Is it legal?”
    “At least there's that,” she whispers playfully before walking away towards the counter. Looking over her shoulder she says, “Meet you out front in five?”
    With a wide smile I nod and twist my hat around.
    Longest five minutes of my life. Shit. Did I really just say that? My brother's weren't fucking kidding. I am indeed pussy whipped.
    Jovi comes out of the front doors of the library with a bright smile on her face indicating she's just as happy to see me as I am her.
    Have I mentioned I love her yet?
    I drink in the look of the classic college student, flip flops, jeans, black tank top and bag hanging from her shoulder.
    Is it just me or are we matching?
    “I thought you said it was legal.” Her eyebrows furrow as she stops on the sidewalk in front of where I'm parked.
    Rotating my body, so my side is leaned on the passenger door, I smirk. “It is.”
    “It is not.”
    “It is.”
    “It is not.”
    “It is and I have the paperwork in the glove compartment to prove it.” When she opens her mouth to object I say, “Besides, you were there. You know this is legal.”
    Red flashes on her face forcing her to come closer to me. In a hushed tone she demands, “Don't say that so loud.”
    My arms curl around her waist as I lower my face to hers. “I just needed an excuse to get you over here. You were taking too long.”
    Giggling Jovi's lips lightly touch mine. “Impatient.”
    The tip of her tongue touches my bottom lip before she says, “You love it.”
    “I love you,” I declare and slip my tongue with hers. Expecting the kiss to be brief she pushes back once immediately preparing to pull back when my hand wraps around the back of her neck to keep her locked in place. Jovi melts the second my hand touches her there. Through a moan she grabs a fist full of my shirt. Before I know it, I'm rotating her to be pressed against the car door, knee propping up her buckling legs. Suddenly it feels like we're in a wordless race to consume the other.
    What? Public...oh yeah...public.
    Somehow I manage to drag my body off of hers and merely observe the way her chest is rapidly rising and falling. Her swollen lips. The flush color she gets as an orgasm builds. I groan, which seems to be encouragement for her hand to graze my cock.
    Jovi's hand strokes the outside of my jeans again. “Tell me we are going somewhere to do something that involves this.”
    Fuck. Me. What were my plans again?
    She grins and repeats the motion priming my mind like an old canvas waiting for a new picture to be painted over it. Through hooded eyelids I try to enjoy the look of excitement and passion on her face knowing it feeds the hunger inside.
    The urge for her to rub harder and faster grows. Just need a little more. Just a little more and I could fucking come in the parking lot.  I groan again. “Baby...”
    “Shouldn't you two do that in a room where people can't see?” Hayli's voice interrupts.
    Jovi snickers and removes her hand. Moving her body so her ass is pressed against my hard on, covering it from Hayli, I stifle another moan.
    I could just bend her over and-
    “Can you not think of sex with her while I'm standing here?” Hayli complains loudly.
    I shrug.
    “Oh you're....terrible Romeo,” the scolding eventually turns into a smile. “Did you come to take her home?”
    Finally recalling exactly what it is I did come for, I answer, “I came to take her driving.”
    “What?!” They snap at me in unison.
    Did I

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