Virgin Unwrapped

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Book: Virgin Unwrapped by Christine Merrill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Merrill
pleasure you are feeling now.” She tightened her hand around him and he lurched away from the wall and put his hand on her shoulder to steady himself before settling back again.
    “If honor means we cannot be together, then it is useless to me. You are talking of nothing more than pride. But I have none of that. It is my family’s pride that has brought me to this unhappy pass. Stay, Robert. And no matter what might happen, I will be your mistress, your lover, your everything.”
    She crooned the words and sank to her knees before him, touching him with her lips. Above her, she heard the careful breaths he took, as though each one was a struggle.
    So she willed them to follow the beat of her own heart, kissing him harder, closing her mouth around the tip of him to bind him to her with her ardor. He would not leave. After today, he would not be able to. His hand was grasping and flexing on her shoulder as though he’d forgotten he held her and she increased the pace of her stroking hand to match, sucking upon him and trying to use her tongue as he had done for her.
    Suddenly he pushed her away and fumbled in his pocket for a handkerchief. She clasped her hands over his as he lost control and spilled his seed into the cloth.
    “Anne,” he said in a ragged voice.
    “Robert.” She rose and held him, leaning her face against his lapel as he slumped against the wall. “I love you,” she whispered. “A few more days. A week. A month. Soon, we will be together. But you must not leave.”
    He seemed almost ready to agree. She could swear she saw the beginnings of a weak nod. Then their hiding place was filled with light as the curtain drew back.
    Barbara Lampett’s face was shocked pink at the sight of them. Anne wondered what, if anything, she had seen, how long she had been standing there, and whether she’d heard their muffled groans.
    “I’m sorry,” she said, “I had no idea…” She turned quickly, shielding her eyes.
    Robert stepped in front of her, pulling composure from thin air with a quiet curse. Then he said, “I am sorry you were a witness to my disgraceful behavior, Miss Lampett. And that you had to experience it, Miss Clairemont.”
    He was speaking so hurriedly, spinning wild lies to hide her part in it. “My fate is in your hands, miss,” he said to Barbara, “as is the honor of a lady…I will be leaving Mr. Stratford’s home early in the New Year and returning to London. There will be no further risk of another incident.” And without another word he walked away from her.
    In his absence Anne was babbling apologies, pleading with Barbara, admitting to everything. And God help her, she was weeping. Why could she not manage to stop? Perhaps Robert was right. He should not stay in the house until this was settled. Each time she saw him, she would want him. If she could not hold her tongue and dissemble now, what might happen next time?
    But if he was not there, how could she find the strength to end it?
    The other girl hugged her, shushed her sobs and promised she would keep the secret. And when the housekeeper called out to her from the end of the hall, Barbara dropped the curtain and answered, pretending that she had been alone and leaving Anne to compose herself.
    As if that was even possible. She suspected that composure was to be a thing of the past. Life had been so much easier when she had not expected more from her future than peace and quiet. Now that she had begun seeking happiness it seemed that, no matter what she did, there would be shouting and tears from someone. Perhaps from several someones.
    Without a Christmas miracle, someone would need to be badly hurt and she would be the one at fault.

Chapter Six
    It was just past dawn on Christmas morning. And judging by the sounds emanating from the front hall, Joseph Stratford had gone mad. It hardly came as a surprise. Robert had found him wandering in the house wearing his nightshirt just a few days ago. His condition had

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