Viridis - A Steampunk Romance
something was wrong between
them. She knew it was an attempt to smooth things over between
them. When he spoke, his voice was kind and soothing, further
melting her icy resolve.
    “He’s right, my love. You were up early working on
the distillation and I doubt you’ve stopped to even eat. Why don’t
you give the poor lad the reins and I’ll take you out for a spot of
dinner, and then home for a good night’s rest.
    The thought of a warm meal and rest had her going
weak in the knees. However, having Seth take her home meant they
would likely spend the night arguing or in each other’s arms.
    One of the young girls that worked at Viridis
approached. “Pardon me, Mum. There’s a man here to see you. Says
he’s from the police. An inspector.”
    Confusion danced across Phoebe’s face. “The police?
I cannot imagine why they would be here.” She looked to Gabriel in
question, but his look of shock and concern indicated this was a
surprise to him as well.
    “He didn’t say, Mum.”
    Phoebe forced a little smile. “No, of course not.
Could you please show him to my office, Molly, and have some tea
brought in?”
    “I’ll just be a minute, Seth.” A weary sigh escaped
her lips, as she hoped that whatever the problem, it would be one
easily resolved.
    Gabriel came around the bar. “You’re certainly not
meeting with him alone. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let some
copper interrogate you.” Phoebe opened her mouth to protest, but
her brother put his hand up to stop her. “Phoebe, love, this has
nothing to do with you not being able to take care of yourself, but
you’re too polite and kindhearted for a copper not to take
advantage, given half a chance. This place can run itself for a
bit. Seth, I want you there also, if you do not mind.”
    “Of course.” Seth nodded his agreement.
    “Well, I’m glad I have a say in all of this.” With
her annoyance made evident, Phoebe turned on her heel, but before
she could take a step, Seth grabbed her hand.
    “Gabriel, could we have just a moment?” Though Seth
was addressing Gabriel, his eyes were locked on Phoebe.
    A smile crept across Gabriel’s face in exact
opposition to the scowl on Phoebe’s. “Of course. I’ll wait in the
    “What is it?” She couldn’t keep the strain from her
    “Phoebe… I know I’ve made mistakes, aye? And I’ll
probably make many more. But I need you to know that I am trying,
my love. It caught me off guard to see you there in that
neighborhood, and my fear for your safety got the better of
    The look of concern in his eyes finally weakened her
resolve, and she could not help but step into his arms. “I know you
meant no wrong, but I’m used to taking care of myself. It’s been
that way most of my life, so you’ll need to forgive me if I have
not quite adjusted to taking your concerns under consideration.”
She pulled away, managing a bit of a smile and nodded toward the
office. “Shall we, then?” She linked her arm in his .
    Her office, afforded her some quiet for conducting
business, though the area certainly did see its fair share of use
by club patrons. Even as they wandered down the wide corridor, they
observed a couple stopping to steal an amorous embrace before
slipping off towards one of the more private areas.
    Her office was a large and comfortable room with a
sofa and a couple of chairs located near the fire and a desk by the
window. Small touches of elegant simplicity lent the room a
lived-in warmth, though it had none of the elaborate styling of the
public rooms.
    They hadn’t even a chance to sit when a quick
knocked sounded at the door and Molly escorted a tall and lanky
individual into the room. “Mum, Inspector William Thomas.” Molly
stepped aside, allowing the gentleman to pass. “I’ll bring the
    “Thank you, Molly.”

Chapter Seven
    William walked into the room, quickly taking in
those assembled before him. It was easy enough to spot Lady Phoebe

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