Vitiosi Dei (Heritage of the Blood Book 2)
category. As to where you are going, it is a beautiful place called Serenity Valley. It is the main trading center for our people, many people who live in this part of the world, and a select few other groups. Too many people for me, all told. The Institute is there, nestled in the middle of that hollow old mountain. They will give you room and board, just like they do for any other member of the village—and you are a member of this village, Shawnrik,” the old Giant finished passionately.
                  “Thank you...”
                  “Bah, don't thank me, you've done more work in a year than any of the other three apprentices that I’ve trained did in ten years studying with me. You've earned everything yourself."
                  Shawnrik couldn't help but smile at the Elder Giant's praise. Pedrial might seem senile at times, and it took a while to get used to the old Giant's expressiveness, but he was a very good man. “Well in that case, thank you anyway,” Shawnrik replied.
                  Pedrial laughed and patted Shawnrik on the back as he walked to another cupboard and began rummaging through its contents “Where is that damn...”
                  “What kinds of things can I study there?” Shawnrik asked, forestalling the litany of curses that he knew was about to be let loose upon the cupboards.
                  “What? Oh, yeah, well... you can study just about anything there. It is a very good institution, and it has been around for a very long time. I can't think of anything offhand that you can't learn there if you have the mind to. They have everything from Alchemy to Zoology. They make sure their students take a wide range of studies too, so none of this fighting training all day long for you!”
                  “Fighting training?” Shawnrik asked, his curiosity piqued.
                  “Aye, thought that might get your attention.” Pedrial harrumphed. “You can learn just about anything there, boy. As good as you are with those weapons of yours, though, they will probably try to teach you something else.
                  How good I am, how does he... Shawnrik looked up and saw that Pedrial was standing over him and smiling.
                  “What, you think you can sneak out of my house and no one will pay attention to where you go?” Shawnrik began to apologize for sneaking out, but the old Giant held his hand up to forestall it. “Don't you go apologizing. You haven't done anything wrong, it just isn't something the village is used to seeing. I know you aren't a village lad and I know you have more ahead in your life than living in this village, or the Watchers wouldn't have sent me for you.” Pedrial's grin returned. “It might interest you to know that several young ladies have been watching your nightly excursions for the past few months, however.”
                  Shawnrik groaned, covering his face with his hands.
                  “You're a strapping lad, get used to it. I have a feeling you are going to break more than a few hearts this year. Reminds me of myself when I was a lad. Why, there was this time...” Pedrial cleared his throat. “No time for that now. Here, I want you to have this.”
                  Shawnrik peeled his hands away from his eyes to see Pedrial's hand swinging something in front of his face. After a moments' consideration, he recognized a pair of bracers that he had seen lying around. They appeared to be made of a silvery metal with a gold inlay in the shape of two feathers that looked to be caught in a breeze.
                  “It isn't much, but it is worth all of the work you have been doing for me, and for the company.” Pedrial set the bracers gently on the table before Shawnrik.
                  “Oh sir, I can't take those, they're too

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