to write a note to this "supposed" spirit asking it questions like, "How old were you when you died", and "How did you die". Once we were done we made sure my mom and grandma weren't there. They weren't, as both of their cars were gone. We wanted to make sure nobody that was "LIVING" could write on the letter. So we went into the back room and played for a while. About an hour hour and a half later we came back and the letter had been written on in handwriting that did not match any of my family members.
There were answers to all of my questions like "how old were you when you died," etc. Except one question in particular was not answered. The question, "how did you die" was left unanswered. We wrote many more letters after that asking many more questions (oh and I don't remember the answer to the how old were you when you died since it has been a long time). But, we always asked that same question "how did you die" but it was never, ever answered. I don't understand why that spirit wouldn't answer that question.
What do you think?
Did You Touch That?
San Angelo, Texas
This is another story about another incident that happened in my house. If you want more back-story, also read "How Did You Die"?
After writing all those letters and still not being 100% believed, I decided to do one more thing. My friend came over a few days later and I told her what I was going to do. I was going to put 3 different cards (I think they were some kind of angel cards) under a towel in the bathroom in a certain order in a certain way. So we did. My mom and grandma were in the living room. They had NO clue what we were doing.
So we tiptoed into the bathroom (my dead grandfather's bathroom to be exact) and put the 3 cards under a towel in the cupboard very gently and quietly. So we went into the back room with the bathroom door open so we could hear if anyone went in there and opened the cupboard... NOBODY. We went into the bathroom 20 minutes later, looked under the towel and to our surprise all the photos had been rearranged very sloppily and turned upside down. Nobody else knew those were there except my friend Casey who was with me the whole time.
Another story. I was lying in my grandfather's room in the middle of the day talking on the phone. All of a sudden a gust of wind from out of nowhere and made the entire curtain flutter. I asked my grandma to turn down the air, and she said it isn't on. So I listened... She was right. So I walked over to the window to shut it. Window was shut tight and locked.
To this day I think that was my grandfather telling me he will always be with me.
But who was the letter stutter and card switcher? To be honest, to this day I still don't know. Maybe we let out a spirit from the Ouija board, because we didn't say goodbye so he didn't know to go back. I'm not sure, but what I do know is that whatever was there when we were there is still there trapped. I know it!
A Grandpa's Love From The Grave
Pearland, Texas
Growing up my Papa (My dad's father) and I were very close and the older we got, the closer we became. But soon, that all came crashing down. Two days after my sweet 16, my papa passed away. It hit me very hard and I cried a lot, knowing I would never see him again.
One night about two months later, I was having one of my usual night terrors. I have them all the time and they get so bad that what ever happened in that dream usually ends up happening in real life (example if I dream I am being scratched on my back I wake up with scratch marks in my back).
Anyway, on that night I had such a bad one that I woke up. As I was lying there in bed after waking up from that dream I noticed the game chair that I sit in when playing video games was sitting up on its own, which was strange because the only way it could sit up is if someone was sitting in it. As I looked closer to it through the dark, I could see what looked to be a figure sitting in it.
Needless to say, I