start we can’t stop,” Sam said against her nape.
“I don’t want this to stop.” And she didn’t.
She was turned around so quickly that her belly did a flip and her mind grew hazy. When she stared into Sam’s face she swore she saw a raging inferno behind his eyes. He picked up where Alric had left off. Sam had a fierce passion that burned within him, and it left Dalia breathless with achy need.
When Alric stepped away, she shivered. She didn’t break the kiss with Sam, but there was a strong desire inside her to know where Alric was, to know why he’d left what they were doing.
“Focus on what’s happening right now, baby. Don’t worry about Alric. He’s coming right back,” Sam murmured against her lips.
Dalia melted into him and let herself feel what was happening between her and Sam. As they continued to kiss, Sam touched her all over. He seemed to stroke every part of her, igniting a lust that she’d never felt before. It was then, as she was wrapped up in the sensations and feeling what Sam conjured within her, that Alric slowly pulled her pants down.
She didn’t stiffen, didn’t even pull away from Sam. In fact, she opened her mouth wider and wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck. A deep groan sounded from the back of Sam’s throat, and she felt a flare of satisfaction well inside her. Sam broke the kiss, and Alric moved away from her. She suddenly felt so lost without the heat of their bodies cocooning her.
Alric took a step forward, taking Sam’s place now. He ran his finger down the bridge of her nose. Dalia sighed in contentment. Even the simplest of touches from them awakened a deep need in her.
“You were ours before we even knew you were alive. Let us see what you look like. Let us revel in how gorgeous you are, in how much you’re ours.”
She opened her eyes and stared into Alric’s. A hot stab of emotion pierced her heart. Nodding, she lifted her arms, and Alric removed her shirt. She didn’t wear a bra, and when the slightly chilled air touched her bare breasts, she felt her nipples harden in response. Alric pushed her panties off her body, and just those little touches had her pussy cream sliding down her inner thighs.
When she was completely nude, Alric stepped back, and the two of them had their fill of running their gazes up and down her body. Her hands shook, and her breathing grew erratic. Being nervous was only a small sliver of how she felt.
How did they perceive her?
Did they like how she looked?
“God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” Sam said, and she felt her heart jump in her throat.
“So fucking gorgeous, Dalia.”
She looked at Alric then.
They started undoing their shirts and pants, and a wave of dizziness washed through her.
Naked male bodies were something she was familiar with, given the fact that the pack she had grown up in didn’t much care for modesty. But staring at Sam and Alric, naked and impossibly hard in front of her, pushed away any notion of what she knew a male body should look like.
Powerful and rippling muscles lay just beneath the surface of golden skin. When she dipped her gaze to the monsters between their thighs, she knew her eyes had widened in response. The feel of their erections beneath their pants had led her to believe they were large, but seeing them had her speechless.
They were thick and long with bulbous heads a shade darker than the rest of their shafts. Long, thick veins lined the smooth flesh, and she was surprised when her mouth watered for a taste. She’d never felt such desire before.
Alric’s cock appeared slightly longer, but Sam’s was thicker. She couldn’t help but imagine the two of them together intimately. She could see the image clearly in her mind—two sweaty male bodies pressed together, thrusting and moaning as they came in unison.
Oh God. Dalia was so ready for them.
“Come here, baby.” Sam’s voice was commanding, yet gentle.
Dalia stepped closer until she could feel their heat