Vows of a Vampire

Vows of a Vampire by Ann Cory Read Free Book Online

Book: Vows of a Vampire by Ann Cory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Cory
Anything pertaining to love is dangerous. It’s why we slake our desires with the Vamps. No commitments, no complications, just raw sex.”
    If his brother saw Aubrey, he’d know why the Vamps didn’t interest him. “How can I be with another when I’m in love with someone else?”
    “I’ve yet to understand how you can refuse Melenge.”
    His breath stilled at her name. Something about that Vamp made his skin crawl, despite her overwhelming beauty. “Don’t get me started on her. I’ve warded her off three times this week alone.”
    Blake gave him a knowing look. “Well, brother, I’ll be off. If you’d like to talk more later, you know where to find me.”
    “I appreciate you listening.”
    Relief spread through him as Blake disappeared into the dark hallway. It was good to get some things off his chest. Not surprisingly, Blake had been right about everything. Especially about Aubrey.
    He’d watched her grow up. The way her figure had changed. How her hair swept along the delicious arch of her back. His body responded to every curve of her flesh. He fell in love with the sound of her voice when she cried out in the night.
    Varick paced, caught between a promise and a request from the two people he cared most about. Aubrey was a grown woman and didn’t need looking after, but if something did happen to her and it could have been prevented, he’d never forgive himself.

    Aubrey sat in front of the vanity, easing a wooden brush through her hair. She glanced around her small, plain room. Only a few knickknacks hung on the otherwise empty walls. There were no pictures, perfume bottles, or jewellery on the dresser, only a few books dog-eared in several places. She’d meant to fix up the place, but never quite got around to it. She was notorious for starting things, but never one to finish. It didn’t seem to matter what, either. Relationships, books, projects, jobs… Her life was all about starting over, hoping one time she might get it right.
    Since Varick left, she’d felt strangely exposed. Vulnerable. For whatever reason, she’d known he was there, before ever truly knowing. Without him guiding her, an eerie cold clung to her skin.
    How could a man she’d never met before know so much about her? Why did he make such a big deal about a promise? As she understood it, promises were made and broken all the time. White lies to make a person feel better without any meaning behind them. When had any man promised her one thing and actually followed through?
    When Gil had first given her the key to his house, he’d said it was practice for when they moved into their first home together. A home, a safe place to be herself. Words she’d always longed to hear. She’d thought things were going too fast, having only dated for six months at the time, but he’d assured her the emotions he held for her were real and undeniable. The keys had opened a door all right and shown her what a trusting fool she’d been.
    She’d always had a void in her life. When her mother died, she was thrust into several foster homes before an aunt she’d never known had taken her in. The woman was far removed from the idea of sensitivity and compassion. Aubrey had resigned herself to believe that in the end, no one cared.
    A tear started and she cursed for feeling sorry for herself.
    Aubrey raised her hands above her head and stretched. The night had been anything but normal. Mentally and physically exhausted, she changed into her nightgown and swept her hair up into a bun with a few tendrils loose on the sides. The image of the man in white popped in her mind. Immediately she thought of Varick. Her body responded with a liquid sigh. Despite the strangeness of the night, she’d felt protected around him. His touch mysteriously familiar in an arousing way. She’d thought it best to keep her guard up even when she secretly welcomed his touch. To throw herself at someone she didn’t know made her uneasy, but somehow she knew

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