into the multi-storey car park. “Have you ever been to a football match Gail?” he asks as we drive round looking for a space.
“Yes” I reply, thinking back to a relationship I’d had a long time ago, “I once went out with a guy who was a bit of a football nut and I went with him and his friend to a match. Can’t remember which team he supported now, but it was a really rainy and windy night in February and I have never been so cold and so bored in my life!” That particular relationship didn’t last long after that. I don’t want him to think I’m not interested in football though. “I did try and take an interest” I add hastily, “I mean I had the scarf on and everything!”
“Oh well, if you had the scarf on , that’s it then – you are definitely a fan!” Adam says laughing and I grin at him before spotting an empty parking space in the corner.
“What about that one there?” I suggest.
“No – too hidden” Adam says as he looks over to where I am pointing. “I’ll try on the next level. Anyway, carry on – you were saying?”
“Oh yes” I say, “Well, all I could think about was how bloody cold I was stood up on those concrete steps! I lost all feeling in my feet after about ten minutes and there were these sheets of corrugated metal behind and over the top of us - presumably to make some kind of shelter, but the thing was, they were rattling so much in the wind you couldn’t hear yourself think! I stood it for about twenty minutes and then I went for a cup of tea and a meat pie” I say and laugh. And a bloody horrible meat pie it was as well.
“Nice!” Adam says. “Well, our ground has had a massive refit so that has made things a lot better than that. You’ll have to come to a game – it’s changed a lot since you last went”.
“That would be nice,” I reply, but I’m not sure. I’m still mentally scarred by that last match I went to. My feet didn’t defrost properly until three days later either. “What about that one?” I ask, pointing to another parking space.
Adam shakes his head. “Too near the post” he explains, nodding towards the concrete post supporting the upper floor.
I shake my head and smile. “I know, I can’t help it, I’m just a bit fussy about where I leave the car” Adam says. He smiles at me and my stomach flips over. I don’t mind. I don’t mind at all if we are late for this film. In fact, I don’t care if we don’t watch it at all and just drive round the multi storey car park all evening.
Eventually however, Adam finds a suitable space that meets all of his requirements. We park up and set off across the car park and down the stairs. As we walk through the door out on to the street, Adam takes hold of my hand and I have to stop myself from squealing with excitement. God Gail – get a grip! I take a deep breath and keep looking at him while we walk. What is he doing with me? Why is Adam Finchley going to the cinema with me of all people on a Saturday night? I steal another look at him. He’s gorgeous for goodness sake! He could choose anybody!
“What?” Adam asks smiling. Shit – I’ve been rumbled.
“Nothing” I mumble.
“What’s up Gail?” he asks gently. “Why were you frowning just then? Don’t you want to go to the cinema – have you changed your mind?”
“No – it’s not that” I say hastily. “I just wonder why you are here – I mean why aren’t you out with a model or – I don’t know-” I gesture wildly, “Some beautiful Italian woman with big dark eyes? Why are you here with me – A Kings of Leon fan who’s obsessed with shoes?” There I’ve said it now. And now he’ll say ‘yes you’re right, I’m off now’ – I know he will.
“I like the Kings of Leon” Adam says lightly, then glancing at my face, stops walking and turns to face me. “Gail, I’m here because I want to be and I think you’re