War Letters from the Living Dead Man
as unimportant because it is in time, because from the greater point of view you fancy that it may appear small. How does a man become a Master save by doing his work as if the health of the whole planetary organism depended on it? The perfect health of the organism does depend on the work of every cell. Now let me tell you why this war had to be. The time had come when humanity must realize brotherhood in preparation for the new race that had to be born. Instead of that, there was greater and greater separation in feeling, though the material discoveries and organizations of the last hundred years were making brotherhood possible in the material world.
    The rhythm of separateness was climaxed by this war of separation. Without it the brotherhood of man would have been retarded by man’s refusal to work emotionally with the law that had already been demonstrated to him in the physical world. In other words, the body had grown faster than the soul and the soul had to suffer with the body; the soul had to be torn in order that it might heal itself by its own power, the power of love. I spoke of not climaxing too violently the rhythm of brotherhood. That applies to all rhythmic waves. The Germans desired to be the ruling race of the world. They posited their own superiority so violently that they are producing the opposite of superiority. Posit with calmness. They might have been the leaders in the new spirit of unity. They have failed and have lost their opportunity. The mass of Germans in the United States might have been a unifying force between the United States and Germany. See what they are now!
    The reason why Germany was not permitted by the Masters to have large colonies of her own was so that her surplus population might scatter over the earth and mix with the other races. The German blood needed mixing. Her efficiency in material ways might thus have leavened the world. Instead, she became drunk with her own greatness. She climaxed the rhythm that might have carried her steadily forward. It is a karmic failure she has made. The races are like organs in the body of Humanity. If one race refuses to work with and for the body of Humanity as well as for itself, it becomes diseased. If Germany would even now turn to the Supreme Unity and worship the One of the System instead of her little racial god, she could recover the ground she has lost, after a time of suffering and initiation. Will she do it? That remains to be seen. Help with the Masters to hold back the bad karma of that race.

Letter 14
    The Foeman Within
    You have something more to do than simply to write down what I say about brotherhood. With selfless devotion you must help the world to realize it, pointing out the way to individuals and aggregates of individuals. Universal Brotherhood! It has a pretty sound, and mouths have repeated it for the sake of its music, when the meaning of it was neither in the heart nor in the brain. Universal Brotherhood is not only the brotherly relation between the units of the Many, but Universal Brotherhood is also their unity, conscious and real, in the One Self. Universal Brotherhood is the return of the Many to the One, as well as their enjoyment of the journey itself. You have repeated the old Hindu word, formula, mantra, Aum , repeated it like a parrot; but if you had realized Aum I should not have to preach brotherhood to you, and by “you” I mean all men and women who have prattled of Universal Brotherhood.
    A-U-M —the One, the Many, and the Union between them: the Self, the Not-Self, and the negation of separateness. Aum , the seed, the plant and the perfume. What do you fancy that you are in the world for?
    You have heard of Mulaprakriti , you Theosophists: Mulaprakriti , root-nature. You have heard of the three gunas , or qualities of Mulaprakriti , satwa , rajas , tamas : satwa , light, being, peace; rajas , action, passion, assertion; tamas , darkness, inertia, denial.
    Some of you have heard of Christ,

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