Waterfire Saga, Book Three: Dark Tide: A Deep Blue Novel

Waterfire Saga, Book Three: Dark Tide: A Deep Blue Novel by Jennifer Donnelly Read Free Book Online

Book: Waterfire Saga, Book Three: Dark Tide: A Deep Blue Novel by Jennifer Donnelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Donnelly
regain her composure.
“I never told you why I joined the Black Fins. The death riders came to my house. They took my parents. I managed to grab my little brother and hide in our garden. He’s safe now, with
friends. But my parents are missing. I don’t know if I’ll ever see them again.”
    Sera’s heart ached. “I’m so sorry, Sophia,” she said. She knew the mermaid’s pain all too well. She’d lost her own parents to Vallerio and his death riders.
Her brother, Desiderio, was missing.
    “They don’t get to hurt mer and tear families apart all for power and gold,” Sophia continued, her expression grim and determined. “I’m a Black Fin because I want
to do everything I can to stop them. Which means getting
back to HQ. There’s got to be a way out besides the crack we swam through. Merrow got in and out of here, after all. I
know she was powerful, but even she couldn’t swim through stone.”
    Sera nodded wearily. “Let’s start looking for it.”
going to look for it.
are going to
sit down
, close your eyes, and gather your strength.”
    Sera protested, but Sophia was firm, so she sat and rested her throbbing tail. Across the room, Merrow’s image gazed down at her, and Sera had the unshakable feeling that her ancestor was
helping her.
    “Thanks for this,” Sera whispered. “Thanks for the Black Fins and the manta rays. Thanks for getting us into the vaults. And for saving us from the dragons.”
    Before she closed her eyes, she thanked her ancestor for one more thing—for the fighter by her side who was brave, loyal, and strong.
    For an ally and a friend.
    For Sophia.

W ITHOUT ANY WARNING, the trawler’s engines stopped. Their deep thrum had been a constant for the past three weeks, and the sudden silence
hung ominously in the water.
    “Why are we stopping? What’s happening?” a mermaid cried out.
    Ling, who’d been sitting down, her tail stretched out in front of her, her back against the cold steel of the ship’s hull, was instantly alert.
We’re here
Wherever here is,
she thought with a sense of dread.
You’ve got one last chance. It’s now or never.
    The mermaid who’d cried out spoke again.
she said, her voice trembling with fear. “Where are they taking us?”
    Ling saw that the mermaid was very close by. Two small children clung to her.
    “Shut up, will you? You’re making it worse!” a merman yelled.
    “Don’t shout at her. She’s scared,” Ling said.
scared!” the merman shot back.
    “But we’re not all acting like jerks,” said Ling.
    The merman lunged at her, but a chain brought him up short.
    “Momma, I’m
,” one of the mermaid’s children said. “Why did the noise stop? I don’t like this!”
    “Shh, it’s okay,” the mermaid soothed. “They’ll bring us some food soon. It’ll be all right.”
    But it wouldn’t be. In fact, Ling was sure things were about to go from bad to worse. She needed to escape before that happened. She
to find a way to tell Sera and the others
what she’d learned aboard this ship.
    There was only one way out, though—through the door that separated the prisoners’ containment area from the rest of the hold. Beyond the door was a water lock. The death riders used
it to enter and exit the ship. Ling had watched them operate it when they brought her aboard; she had tried to memorize which buttons they pushed on the control panel. If she could get to it, she
might be able to let herself out. But she was shackled to the ship’s hull and the guards had the keys. They wore them on rings secured to their belts with a loop and toggle, right next to
their speargun holsters.
    She’d tried to steal the keys before. Once by pretending to collapse and fall against a guard. Another time by tugging on a guard’s arm as she begged for food. The guards were wary
of prisoners’ tricks, though, and all she ever managed to get for her trouble was a slap.
    But now

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