What We Learned Along the Way
take a morning jog with Isaiah.
    Mariam decided to take a quick nap before she
got some studying done. Just as she was starting to fall asleep,
she heard a knock at the door. She grabbed the Bertino’s napkin off
the table and stuck it in her side pocket. She was surprised to see
Rashad through the peep hole. “Gimme a minute,” she yelled as she
ran to the bathroom to freshen up. Just because she was mad at him
didn’t mean she wanted him to see her looking like she just woke
up. When she opened the door, she saw Rashad standing there in his
chef’s uniform with a dozen roses and a big smile.
    “I’m sorry, Mariam. I didn’t mean to yell at
you like that. I was just angry,” he said, giving her his best
puppy dog eyes. She hated when he made her mad and then gave her
those irresistible puppy dog eyes. Still, she wasn’t ready to give
in that easily. She tried to look like she wasn’t all that
impressed with his apology. “So, can I come in?”
    “I guess,” she said, trying not to smile. She
flopped on the sofa and hung her head low like she was sad. She was
happy he was apologizing, but his attitude was getting out of
control and he needed to do a little more begging before she
forgave him. He sat beside her and put his hand on her
    “I know, I know. Sometimes I get out of
control. I’m working on that. Please, don’t cry.” She looked up at
him for a second. He did look sincere in his apology. She was
surprised at how well she was playing the sad girl role. She even
managed to squeeze out a few tears.
    If this thing doesn’t work out in
Chicago, there’s always Hollywood.
    After she felt that he had apologized enough,
she looked up, wiped her fake tears, and gave him a hug. They spent
the rest of the evening making chocolate chip cookies and watching
movies. She loved moments like this. They let her know she loved
    “Want anything from the fridge?” she said as
she got up and walked into the kitchen.
    “No, I’m good. Actually, I need to get ready
to go.” he said from the sofa.
    “What? Why? The night is still young. Is
something wrong?”
    “No. They want me back at work. You know how
busy it is on the weekends,” he said as he walked into the kitchen
to face her.
    “Aww, do you have to go? We’re having such a
great time. Just stay a little bit longer, please,” she pleaded,
looking into his eyes.
    “Can’t. gotta go,” he said, looking away. “If
we’re going to be getting married, I’m going to need to work more
shifts” he told her.
    “Well, if you put it that way,” she said in a
sweet voice with a smile. After he left, she put her hand in her
pocket. The napkin wasn’t there. “I could have sworn I put it in
here.” She checked her other pocket, which was also empty. It
turned up between the seat cushions on the sofa. “How’d you get
down there?” she asked the crumpled up napkin. She looked at it for
a second and then threw it away. Isaiah was really nice, but she
knew she loved Rashad

Chapter 8- Jaime
    Ever since the night at Aliya’s apartment,
Jaime hadn’t been the same. She usually loved spending time talking
and laughing with her parents, but lately she’d been keeping to
    “Jaime, what’s wrong? You’re so quiet,” her
mother asked her as she walked through the living room.
    “Nothing,” Jaime said without even slowing
her pace. She was halfway upstairs when she stopped on a step and
turned around. “No, something is wrong. I’m sick of you all
treating me like a kid. I’m a grown woman who can take care of
herself and,” she paused and took a big gulp. “I’m getting my own
apartment,” she said as fast as she could. She couldn’t believe she
had just talked to her parents like that. It was scary and exciting
at the same time. She stood there on the stair, just waiting for
her father to leap up out of his seat and strangle her with one
hand. They were very strict and never accepted any type of back
    To her

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