When Elves Die : Episode One
Yeah,” Norril mocked. “I can smell the evil on your breath. I was the same way. I poked out my own eyes because I did not want to see the horrors I had done. But memories are always in the mind, aren't they? That is where you relive the horror. In the mind.” “ You're nothing like me, old fool.” “ Maybe you're right,” Norril's blind eyes locked onto the barbarian. “When I was your age, I was slaying dragons and screwing five princesses a night!” The old elf cackled with glee. The barbarian raised his blade. “ Go ahead, kill me. But you're the one that is afraid. I was never more afraid to die than when I was killing. That power that you get only lasts for so long. Then you need it again. And again. And again. But in the back of your mind you know that one day it will be you on the other end of that blade-” Tholan brought his sword across Norril's neck. The old elf's head rolled onto the floor. His blind eyes dimmed. The Dark Queen walked into the prison snarling like a thunder cloud. “ We saved this one for you,” one of the Killtooths said. They held the young elf down by his arms. His legs flailed and kicked at the approaching Dark Queen. “ Let him go,” she said. The Killtooths released the elf and he ran toward the open front door. The Dark Queen waved her hand and it slammed shut in his face. The elf pulled at the doorknob with all his might. “ No use,” Ravalynn said, slowly walking over. She grabbed the elf and exposed his neck with a practiced ease. “Nothing seals a door tighter than black magic.” Blood gushed as her sharp fangs cut through his carotid artery. The elf's mouth gaped in a silent cry and terror filled his eyes. The Dark Queen drank directly from his heart but then dropped the elf's body to the ground in disgust. “ Spoiled blood!” She spat down on the dead prisoner. She did not want the bitter tasting blood of the elven criminals. She wanted the pure and sweet blood of the missionaries. “ Kill! Kill! Kill!” The Dark Queen marched through the halls, her Killtooths attacking the last of the prisoners. “Leave no throat unmarked!” “ This is too easy,” Tholan said as he watched Ravalynn wipe her mouth. The Dark Queen motioned for the barbarian to follow her outside of the prison. They walked about a quarter of a mile before they reached a cliff. The castle of Wandacove could be seen in the distance. Ravalynn stared at the castle for a few moments, contempt and fury etched into her face. “ I will make the elves of Graceonna suffer like they never have and never will again. They will be a forgotten people. They will cry out to their God as my creations devour them one and all. Carella will not even be a memory. She will be erased from the earth as if she didn't exist.” Tholan smelled the myrrh and incense that radiated from The Dark Queen's body. He became excited by the shine of fresh blood on her lips and the animalistic intensity of her eyes. “ I will enslave and devour them. I will cast spells that will make them turn against one another. They will lose all hope. And their blood will taste so sweet.” The Dark Queen's fangs glistened in the moonlight like pearls on alabaster.

    Descending the hill, Kelroar could make out the
remnants of the camp. There were numerous dead bodies strewn across
the ground. Crows picked at the eyes of the dead. A group of orcs
scavenged through the belongings of the elves before tearing at
their flesh with jagged teeth.
    Kelroar ran back up the ridge. He reached the wagon
and shook the guardrails hard, awakening Xavian.
    "I need you to stand guard here."
    "Just do what I say. If you see anyone but me come
out from beyond that ridge, you snap the reins and get the hell out
of here as fast as you can. You got it?”
    "Okay," Xavian said.
    "What's going on?" Zinna asked, coming in from the
field with Jamben.
    "Get back in the wagon," Kelroar said.
    Kelroar stormed backed down the slope and

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