When Girlfriends Break Hearts
and stood, then pushed back my tangled hair and tried to smooth out the wrinkles in my dress.  
    “You told me all you had to say… apparently .” I made sure that last word was exaggerated, indicating that I did not buy into his half-assed reasons that our relationship ended because a feeling just “went away.” “So now I’m going to go.”  
    I slipped my last shoe on. “Please don’t ever call me or contact me in any way. We’re done and I think the best way for me to completely get over you and move on is to make a clean break.”
    His stare was blank. No expression that I could read. No response.
    “Okay then,” I said to the silence. “Have a nice life.”
    I grabbed my cell phone from the bed and turned to leave with some dignity intact, frazzled though it might be.  
    I stopped, but resisted the urge to turn back. Keep control. Just keep control and leave.
    I remained silent and didn’t budge.
    “Sophie, last night—”
    I interrupted, my back still coldly turned against Brandon. “—was great. Only a fling. A great one, but only a fling.”
    “No, that’s not what I was going to say,” he started. “Last night…I wasn’t completely honest.” I heard him get out of the bed and pull some pants on. Then I felt his hand on my waist. I quickly turned and backed up, squirming out of his unnerving hold.
    “What are you talking about?” I blurted. “What do you mean ‘completely honest?’”  
    “About why I wanted out.”
    “And?” I pressed harshly.
    His face was abruptly overcome with agony. Of remorse. Of guilt.  
    “I couldn’t be with you anymore.” He paused. “I had hurt you and couldn’t do it anymore.”
    “Brandon, look, I know,” I started, cutting him off with a hand. I had heard it before. “I know that you would have hurt me if you had stayed in the relationship and blah-blah-blah. Quite frankly I’m over your stupid song and dance about how you fell out of love with me. I came here for closure.” My voice was rising. “I came to gain control of the situation and finally put an end to us. I get it! We’re done. No more. And now I’m leaving. For good.”
    Then, just as I was turning to leave, he said it.
    “I cheated.”
    The worst word in the relationship dictionary. The most venomous word that few if any couples can overcome. I couldn’t believe it. Last night he denied that there was another woman. I guess a cheater isn’t exactly an honest person.
    “ What? ” I breathed, turning to look him dead in the eyes.  
    “I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice just above a whisper. “Somehow it happened and I couldn’t help myself and…and…it all happened so fast. It was such a mistake. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Soph.”
    I had one reaction. Only one reaction. I acted on pure protective instinct: I slapped him hard across the face.
    “I deserved that,” he said quietly. “I’m so sorry, Soph.”
    “ Don’t call me that.” Not the greatest comeback, but it was all I could mutter in response to the horrid news.
    “I didn’t mean to. It just happened. And I knew right away that it was a mistake. A big mistake. And I couldn’t stay with you knowing what I had done, which is really why I had to break it off. You wouldn’t have wanted to stay with me after that, you know?”
    “Oh, don’t try to put this on me in any way,” I said loudly. “What you did was wrong and you felt guilty about it so you quit .” The words were starting to pour now. My blood ran hot and my rage rocketed through the roof. “It was easier for you to quit on us and toss in the towel. You cheated on me and all you could do was leave me. Leave me! You weren’t even going to tell me! Your guilt was eating you up so you finally broke it off. You’re so pathetic.
    “If you didn’t have the fraction of a conscience that you have you’d still be with me, dragging me through this pathetic excuse of a relationship, running

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