When Past & Present Collide: WP&PC

When Past & Present Collide: WP&PC by Sarah Hardy Read Free Book Online

Book: When Past & Present Collide: WP&PC by Sarah Hardy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Hardy
tomorrow. Was it important?”
    It was cold this evening so we walked a little faster. “No sweetheart , I was just checking if we were still on for our jog? I see we are. How long have you been out for?”
    I glanced down. “Oh I only just got here , this is my first lap, I’m doing two tonight as I’m walking, plus I need to burn some added energy. It seems I’m indulging tomorrow, courtesy of you.” He laughed, “You could dine tonight courtesy of me, if you want, sweetheart?”
    I grinned. “Professional only , Jacob.” He gave me a small nudge. “Fine, but jogging and fast walking are still all right aren’t they?” he glanced over and had a pleading look in his eyes. “Yes, that’s all right,” we carried on and headed for our second lap.
    I asked Jacob a bit about his family, “ So are you an only child? Any siblings? Parents? Big or small family?” He appeared to glow. “No, I’m an only child, Ella. I still have both parents; they have been together since meeting as childhood sweethearts. They are both in their early sixty’s. Mum had a sister who passed away last year, and Dad was an only child, so we’re a small family as to speak.” I stopped and gazed over “I’m sorry Jacob, I didn’t mean to pry,” he seemed fine and carried on, “you’re not, and I want to let you in.”
    I studied him carefully . What does he mean by letting me in? He had said that the first night we had kissed. “Mum’s sister had four children but I don’t see my cousins very often, we’re not close but I’m close to my mum, she's the best. She fusses over me still and refuses to let me do my washing and cooking. She goes over to my apartment every afternoon and leaves me a meal for the evenings. I honestly tell her I’m old enough to fend for myself but she won’t accept it.” We both laughed, “You’re very lucky, Jacob,” we stopped for a drink.
    He went to say something but quickly changed his mind, “You can ask me anything, Jacob, I don’t mind. I lost them just over four years ago. Mum passed away from cancer and Dad followed six months later. They were soul mates. I'd say Dad died of a broken heart, as my parents had never been apart from the time they met as teenagers. If Dad went away on business, Mum was always by his side. The coroners said Dad died of a heart attack but I know deep down he couldn’t carry on without Mum. She was his rock.”
    A small lump formed at the back of my throat, Jacob gently put his arms around me and brought me into his chest for a snuggle , he was all sweaty, but I didn’t mind. A strong surge of electric current passed through me, I placed my head to his neck and inhaled his scent, he smelt of aftershave and soap, and it was comforting.
    I gave another small inhale , trying to distinguish the aftershave, he laughed. “It’s just shower wash Ella, just so you know,” I went beetroot as he noticed my intention.
    After a couple of minutes I removed myself from his arms wiping a small tear that had run down my face. “So you speak Italian. When did you learn that?”
    He changed the subject , obviously so I didn’t get any more upset. “Dad was Italian but my parents both spoke it, I learnt bits from them but I had a tutor most Saturdays. Dad travelled and wanted me to be able to learn the language. He always said it was the language of love. I hated learning it, but my parents were strict for out of school activities.”
    We walked on until we got closer to my place. “Every evening was ballet, dance, piano lessons, extra homework, Italian lessons or other out of school activities. I hated it all. My friends just got to hang out watching television but my parents wanted me to have the best.”
    He smiled and his eyes lit up in a magical way , like he was reminiscing his childhood. “I understand. My parents were similar, but not as strict. If I decided I didn’t fancy guitar lessons that week, they just let me off. Can I walk you to your door? I would

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