When Sunday Comes Again

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Book: When Sunday Comes Again by Terry E. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry E. Hill
Tags: Fiction, General, Urban, African American
Percy Pryce’s office was the third largest in the New Testament Cathedral administrative suite. The room’s dominant colors were hues of grays and black, with a smattering of color in the form of autumn-toned pillows on a black couch, a green vase glimmering from the light pouring through the wall of glass, and a burst of fresh-cut flowers, which were delivered like clockwork each Monday morning to every office in the executive suite. They sat on the table near to Percy’s desk.
    Percy could smell the sweet fragrance of Cynthia’s perfume still on his hands as he removed his coat and sat behind his large black lacquered desk. The fog that ecstasy brought slowly began to fade as the realization of his deeds came to the forefront of his mind. Once again the unsuccessful attempt he and Kenneth Davis had made to pay Lance Savage $175,000 in exchange for not running the incendiary story about Hezekiah played like a recording in his brain. The violent struggle with Lance Savage, which had left the living room of the little bungalow in shambles. The image of the reporter’s crumpled body lying dead on the floor among the litter of one-hundred-dollar bills was ever looming.
    His hands trembled slightly as he relived the scene. His palms felt moist and his mouth dry when the intercom buzzer sliced through the silence. “Excuse me, Reverend Pryce,” exclaimed the disembodied voice. “Reverend Davis is here to see you. Should I send him in? He said it will only take a moment.”
    Percy took a deep breath and rubbed his dewy hands together. “Thank you, Carol. Send him in.”
    Kenneth entered like a whirlwind, closing the door behind him. “She’s out of control. We have to do something.”
    Percy looked up and calmly replied, “We only have ourselves to blame for this. We all knew who Samantha was long before Hezekiah was killed. We voted her in as pastor, and now we have to live with the decision.”
    â€œHow can you be so calm about this? That woman is going to destroy this ministry with her ego.” Kenneth walked anxiously toward the desk and continued. “This morning she announced that she is going to be functioning as the COO. She certainly knew how to run Hezekiah, but she doesn’t know anything about running New Testament Cathedral.”
    Percy remained calm. “I think you’re wrong. Samantha is a smart woman. The public loves her, and she raises more money than all of us put together. Some people think she’s been running the church from day one and Hezekiah was only the front man.”
    â€œThat may be true, but what about the spiritual needs of our members? You know as well as I do that if they can’t write a check for ten thousand dollars or more, she won’t want any part of them.”
    Percy paused and turned toward the window. He looked out over the grounds of New Testament Cathedral and replied mournfully, “I must admit that I worry about that too, Reverend Davis.”
    Kenneth sat down on the couch and, along with Percy, looked out the window. “And so you should. She’s going to run this place like a coldhearted corporation. It will be all about money and her fame, not about saving souls.”
    The two men sat quietly, each searching the horizon for answers. Percy finally broke the silence. “Have you heard anything from the police about Lance Savage? Every time someone knocks on my door, I jump, thinking it’s them coming to arrest me.”
    Kenneth moved anxiously to the edge of the couch. “I’ve told you to forget about that, Percy. There is no link between us and his death. As far as the police are concerned, Lance walked in on a burglar robbing his home and was killed.”
    â€œI just can’t stop thinking about him lying there,” Percy said nervously. “He’s dead because of us, Kenneth. I don’t know if God can forgive us for that. I don’t know if I can

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