When We Meet Again

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Book: When We Meet Again by Victoria Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Alexander
Tags: Historical
trusted." Alexei grinned. "I have no intention of trusting her."
    "I certainly wouldn't if I were you." Valentina murmured. Dimitri frowned. "You do not?"
    "Not at all. In fact. I think she needs to be watched closely."
    "Oh. I do." Valentina nodded firmly. "I do indeed." She shrugged. "In truth, cousin. I have done nothing to earn your trust. Until you are confident of my motives it is only wise to be cautious. I would be extraordinarily careful in your place."
    Roman nodded. "Caution is certainly wise. Your Highness."
    "Excellent." Dimitri nodded with satisfaction. "I should hate to think you would be taken in by a few contrite phrases of apology."
    "Then allow me to put your concern to rest." Alexei said smoothly. "I think Valentina should be watched every moment she resides with us. Night and day—"
    "I could not agree more." Enthusiastic approval sounded in Dimitri's voice. Alexei bit back a grin. "I furthermore think she should be watched only by someone who has my absolute trust."
    "Absolutely." Dimitri nodded.
    Roman grinned.
    "Someone I would trust with my very life." Alexei continued.
    "With your life, Your Highness." Dimitri said firmly. "No one less will do."
    "And that, old friend." Alexei paused for emphasis, "would be you."
    "Of course. Your Highness, who else—" Abruptly Dimitri realized what he was agreeing to. "Me?"
    "Him? The ever-sanctimonious, too perfect. Captain Holier-than-thou?" Valentina huffed. "I would prefer to be tossed in a dungeon and left to share my days with vermin rather than be under his eye. I despise him."
    Dimitri folded his arms over his chest and scowled. "And I detest her."
    "I am not suggesting a match between the two of you." Alexei wanted to laugh aloud but forced a stern note to his voice. It was really most amusing. Both Dimitri and Valentina looked stricken. It could not be helped, of course. Even if he still had an entire army at his disposal. Dimitri would be his choice for this particular assignment.
    "Valentina." Alexei met his cousin's gaze with a hard, level look. "This is a condition of your joining us. It is not negotiable." He turned to Dimitri. "The circumstances we find ourselves in dictate this choice. Captain. There is no other. However, even if I had all the resources of Avalonia still at my disposal, there is no one I trust more than you." Alexei smiled a wry sort of smile. "And no one I trust less than she." Dimitri's gaze locked with Alexei's for a moment, then he heaved a resigned sigh and nodded a bow. "As you wish. Your Highness."
    Alexei chuckled and leaned closer to his friend. "At the very least, the princess will give you a way to occupy your time other than by expanding your intellectual horizons." Dimitri smiled in a rather pathetic manner. "That is something at any rate."
    "If the two of you are quite finished. I should very much like to be shown to my rooms." Valentina smiled in an overly sweet manner. "I find all this groveling to be rather fatiguing." Dimitri cast Alexei a pleading glance. "Day and night?"
    Alexei grinned.
    "You may take pleasure in the knowledge that I am no more pleased about this than you are. I do, however, acknowledge it as the, oh. penance I must do to gain my cousin's trust. We shall simply have to make the best of it." Valentina started toward the door. "I assume the servant who showed me in can show me to my quarters. Captain, my bags are in the foyer. Come along."
    "I'm not carrying your bags." Dimitri said indignantly, but followed her out the door nonetheless. Their voices lingered in the hall. Valentina said something Alexei didn't quite catch. Probably for the best.
    "Or I shall be forced to throttle you with my bare hands." Dimitri responded.
    "Oh. Captain, would you?" Valentina's laugh rang in the hall. Alexei and Roman traded grins.
    Roman shook his head. "That shall certainly provide some needed amusement. Do you think she is sincere?"
    "I do not know, but we shall see. She has little to gain, as I have little

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