White Death: An Alex Hawke Novella
corpse was carried up there to a very remote location to be disposed of. Possible, but nonsensical.”
    “Not even remotely sensical.”
    “Right. You hire a boat, fit him with a pair of cement shoes, and throw him overboard in the middle of Lake Zurich at midnight.”
    “And what is your second brilliant possibility?”
    “I have no earthly idea. Nor do I think even my hero Holmes would have one. Not this early in the case, at any rate.”
    “But there’s obviously some kind of explanation.”
    “Of course there is. That’s why we’re here, dear boy.”
    “No. That’s why you’re here. You’re the brains of the outfit. I’m the intrepid mountain climber, remember.”
    “Good point, Alex. And what would our intrepid hero surmise, based on the statement you just made?”
    “Hell, I don’t know, Ambrose. You tell me.”
    “That mountain climbing will obviously be required to solve this very puzzling mystery.”
    “She’s looking this way again. I think she’s extremely lonely. Do you think I might stroll right over there and offer my services?”
    “No, I certainly do not. Baron von Stuka and Blinky are waiting for us at the restaurant.”
    “Be right back,” Hawke said over his shoulder.

    H awke, Congreve, and Alex’s brand-new friend, the newly minted vice president at Credit Suisse named Sigrid Kissl, were a little late when they arrived at the restaurant. Von Stuka and Blinky were already at the table, on their second vodka martinis.
    Der Kronenhalle was the go-to spot in Zurich for both Baron von Stuka and Herr Schultz. In this centuries-old city, few restaurants had more to offer. On the walls hung paintings by Picasso, Chagall, Matisse, Miró, and Klee. It had been a gathering place for artists and poets from all over Europe who’d sought refuge from the Nazis during World War II. And the food was remarkable too.
    The baron, resplendent in an exquisitely tailored navy blue blazer and grenadier’s regimental tie, got to his feet, smiling broadly, as the newcomers approached the table through a throng of diners.
    “Alex! Ambrose! Over here!” he called out.
    “Good evening, Wolfie. Blinky,” Ambrose said, first to pull out his chair and sit down. “Sorry we’re late. I’m afraid Alex was unavoidably detained at the last minute, and my apologies. Baron, may I introduce Miss Kissl?”
    “How do you do, my dear Sigrid?” Wolfie said, offering the exquisitely beautiful woman his hand. “We have met before, I believe?”
    “I’m sorry, Baron, you have me at a disadvantage.”
    “You are Fräulein Sigrid Kissl, I believe. From Credit Suisse. And I am Baron von Stuka.”
    “Ah, yes, Baron von Stuka,” Sigrid said, turning a bit pink. “Of course, now I remember. At the Credit Suisse corporate office. You were having coffee with our chairman last month, were you not?”
    “Yes, yes, my dear. We had coffee in the CEO’s office. My dear friend Dr. Heinrich Scheel’s office, that’s right, is it not? He tells me you are his most trusted bank officer.”
    “Ah, but in fact I was only taking notes for Dr. Scheel that morning, Baron. Still, I’m very pleased that you remember me.”
    “My dear, you are a very memorable woman in every way, if I may say so.”
    Hawke, like a warring stag sensing the unexpected heat of battle, was swift to join the fray. “I hadn’t noticed that lovely ring you’re wearing, Sigrid. Ruby, is it?” he said.
    “A red sapphire. Quite rare.”
    “Stunning. Who gave it to you?”
    “Just a friend.”
    “Ah. Someone who must have strong feelings.”
    “Oh, he does,” she said, glancing across the table.
    Hawke maintained his fixed smile.
    “Look here, Wolfie, our guests have arrived,” Blinky said, quickly filling the awkward moment. “Let’s order more drinks, shall we?”
    Hawke took his chair and said, “Sigrid tells me she has been promoted since then, Baron. She’s now one of the bank VP’s handling some of the U.K.

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