WHO KILLED EMMALINE? by Dani Matthews Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: WHO KILLED EMMALINE? by Dani Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Matthews
conversation has shifted to sex.
    “You’re going to have sex whether I want you to or not, so it made sense to accept it and get you on birth control. I eliminated the risk of pregnancy. That job, it could get you killed. Huge difference, Krista.”
    “First off, it’s a public store. Second, why would they want to kill me? Third, when would they attempt this killing when there are windows in the store? Fourth, again, what reason would they have to hurt me?”
    My mom’s lips flatten as she gazes at me unhappily.
    I stand up, no longer feeling hungry. I also know that if I stay at the table, this conversation is bound to worsen with each second that passes. “You both put me in this situation,” I remind. “You took me from my home, my school, and my friends, and brought me here where I would have to start all over again. You didn’t care how difficult it would be on me, all you two cared about were yourselves and your own happiness.
    “I have a stepbrother who hates me, the entire school has turned their backs on me, and I can’t even make a single friend in that hellhole. Now you tell me I have to quit the job that was supposed to be the only bright spot in my day, because I don’t want to be alone by myself in the afternoons? Well, too bad. I got the job, and I am keeping it.” I shoot my mom a look as she tries to interrupt, and I talk right over her. “Also, keep in mind that I’ll be eighteen soon.” I turn and walk calmly out of the kitchen.
    “Let her have her space,” I hear Mitch murmur before I am out of hearing range.
    The second I close my bedroom door and have privacy, I let out a long exhale. That didn’t exactly go as I’d intended. I certainly hadn’t meant to make a scene; I never pull temperamental stuff like that with my mom. This move has brought out the worst in me.
    With a groan, I throw myself on my bed and pick up my phone that I’d tossed on it earlier.
    Feeling bored, I swipe the screen and see that Sidney tried calling fifteen minutes ago. Perfect. I call her back.
    “Hey! What’s new? Meet any new people? Any hot guys?” Sidney demands.
    My mood instantly brightens at the sound of her voice, and I start telling her everything that has happened right up to my confrontation at dinner with my mom and Mitch.
    “I am so jealous,” Sidney says enviously. “The only excitement we have going on is the homecoming dance. You’ve got an unsolved murder there, and you’re going to school with the main suspect! And seriously, you got a job at a Goth store? That’s so not you, which makes it even juicier. But…I don’t mean to be a moodhoover, but I kind of have to agree with your mom and stepdad. You’re working for the only two suspects in an unsolved murder case. I know I told you to take a chance and do something new, but I didn’t mean to risk your life working in some store,” she says, her voice turning serious for once.
    “I had my doubts after learning who owns it,” I admit. “But now that I had that argument with my mom, I’m not sure I want to give them what they want. After all, it is a public store, Sidney. What can happen?”
    “It’s what can happen after hours that you should be worried about, Kris. I’m betting you’ll be working late some nights.”
    “Don’t you think it’d be stupid for either one of them to consider offing the new girl? They would be the first people the police would point their fingers at,” I argue.
    Sidney is silent for a moment. “True… I don’t know, it just sounds risky to me.”
    “I don’t get any bad vibes from Dane. He seems like a nice enough guy. Cord also came to my defense today when those two guys had me cornered at my locker. What if both of them are innocent, Sidney? I don’t want to be like the rest of the town and ostracize them. I’m already getting a taste of how it feels to be cast out for a stupid rumor. It’s brutal. I’m not sure I want to be like everyone else and fall for a

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