Wild Horses

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Book: Wild Horses by Claire McEwen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire McEwen
there.” He took a sip of his beer, and his gaze on her was as intense as she’d remembered it.
    She forced herself to remember that this was just a onetime drink. A conversation—nothing more. “You won’t like it. I’m working for the government, for the Department of Range Management.”
    â€œSo that’s why you were at the station. I couldn’t figure it out.”
    Nora couldn’t help a wry smile. “Must have been like seeing the Ghost of Relationships Past.”
    â€œIt was pretty shocking.”
    She took a deep breath and said the last words he’d want to hear. “I was hired to do a study on the impact of wild horses on native plant populations.”
    He flinched, just as she’d expected. “And I take it the impact isn’t exactly positive?”
    â€œI’ve only been working on it for a few weeks. But from what I’ve seen so far, that’s putting it mildly.”
    â€œBut you know the reasons the land is so overgrazed, right?” Todd leaned forward eagerly and in an instant he was the idealistic boy she’d known in college. Time seemed to jump back years again.
    Nora caught her breath, momentarily disoriented. “I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”
    â€œThere are too many horses for the land provided. But that’s because the government is opening up all their grazing lands for fracking, for cattle, for minerals. So the mustangs have been crammed into a smaller space than can sustain them, and of course the native plants suffer. All the plants do. If we’d give them back their range, you wouldn’t see these kinds of impacts.”
    â€œWell, sadly, I’m not able to give back their land. And, frankly, there won’t be too many native plants left if we keep the horses at the current population.”
    â€œBut the horses aren’t the real problem.”
    She glared at him. “Todd, I know all this. But the fact is, at this time, the DRM has a certain amount of land allotted for the horses. And the native plants on that land are being destroyed. My job is to go in and study the damage. Once my study is finished, the department will use the data to figure out how many horses can be allowed to roam free.”
    â€œAnd you didn’t feel bad signing on to this study knowing it’s based on a false premise? Because they’ve already taken away the horses’ normal rangeland?”
    She bristled. “I was hired to do a study on their current range, and I’m doing that study.”
    His voice was tinged with bitterness. “You never could get out of that scientific side of your head, could you? It’s all data and facts with you.”
    â€œIt’s not just that,” she protested.
    â€œWell, what is it? The money?”
    Nora’s stomach did a sticky, nauseating flip. “You didn’t just say that.” At least her rising outrage steadied her voice. “Some things never change.”
    â€œWhat are you talking about?” Todd looked genuinely confused.
    Was it really possible that he was this dense? “You have no right to judge me.”
    â€œI’m not judging. I just think you’re working for the wrong side on this issue.”
    The words were spinning like a tornado in her head, there were so many she wanted to throw at him. “How’s your family, Todd?” she spat out.
    His eyes went wide. “What does my family have to do with anything?”
    â€œBecause they’re wealthy. You’re wealthy. And you sit there, safe in the lap of your moneyed family, and you judge people like me. People who need to have a regular job.”
    â€œI’m not—”
    She cut him off, spewing words that she’d wanted to say years ago. Back then she hadn’t had the courage. “Has it ever occurred to you that some of us need steady work to make a living? Or that jobs for a plant biologist aren’t easy to

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