Wild Men of Alaska 02 - Moosed-Up

Wild Men of Alaska 02 - Moosed-Up by Tiffinie Helmer Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Wild Men of Alaska 02 - Moosed-Up by Tiffinie Helmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffinie Helmer
enough she was witnessing this. On the phone, she’d demanded he come bearing arms. “We want her to stay, and while this is one tactic, it’s going to backfire.”
    BW took a step closer and extended his head, his nostrils quivering. Then quick as an owl snatching a shrew, BW chomped the tops off the flowers Lynx had picked for Eva.
    “Ah dude, you are not helping my cause, here.”
    The moose bobbed his head again, nudged Lynx playfully in the chest, throwing him back a few steps, and then walked off without a care in the world, blending into the trees. The breaking of branches was the onl y proof he was still out there.
    The door opened behind him. Lynx turned to see Eva, and his mouth hit the ground.
    “What was that all about?” Eva asked.
    What was she wearing ? Sh e looked all womanly and stuff.
    “Lynx?” A scowl appeared on her forehead as she studied him.
    He needed to tread carefully or that door would be slammed in his face again. There was no way in hell that was happening, not with her all gussied up. He couldn’t remember seeing a woman so beautiful before. He remembered Fox asking him if he’d given her any compliments.
    “I like your hair,” he blurted out.
    “Huh?” Her scowl deepened, and then she shook her head as if to clear it. “Explain to me what just happened here. How did you get that moose to move on so easily? And don’t tell me I didn’t hear you right this time. You called him BW.”
    If he told her how he’d gotten BW to move on, she wouldn’t let him into her bed. That door would be slammed in his face for the last time. And by the looks of her, he wasn’t getting anywhere unless he did something fast.
    “Here, I picked these for you.” He held out the munched stems with a few remaining limp flowers.
    She didn’t seem impressed. “Why did you call that moose BW? And why did it look like he was ‘friendly’ with you?”
    “Can we talk inside?” His eyes bugged when he caught sight of the lacy bra peeking up to say hello under her form-fitting top.
    “BW stands for Bullwinkle, doesn’t it?”
    Damn, why did she have to be so intuitive? “Uh, maybe.”
    She folded her arms pushing her breasts up and deepening the cleavage that was already blood-starving his brain cells.
    “Tell me why when I yelled, waved my hands, and threw apples at BW , he didn’t scare off until you talked to him?”
    Oh, no . “Tell me you didn’t feed him apples.” BW wouldn’t leave her alone now.
    “It’s not like I had rocks in the house or a gun.”
    She didn’t need a gun, not with the heart-stopping punch she packed in that get up.
    He needed to do something quick to change the subject, get her focused on something else. “God, how I want you.”
    He tossed the chomped steams aside and advanced. “Where were you headed?” He reached out and fingered one of her dangling earrings. What perfect little ears she had, elfin-like really. He wanted to nibble.
    “I... uh, was actually coming to see you.”
    He stepped back so he could see into her eyes. “Why?” He liked her suddenly uneasy around him.
    She shrugged, and swallowed. “Well, I got to thinking. Maybe I’d been a little rough on you. The chocolates were a thoughtful gesture.”
    “I’m sorry about the other day, Eva. I shouldn’t have left you alone.” He realized that he should’ve apologized first, before trying chocolates or flowers.
    Her wary eyes met his. “Why did you? Leave me alone, that is.”
    “If I hadn’t taken a minute to get blood back into my head, I would have taken you against a tree like a wild animal.”
    A switch seemed to go off at his words. “Next time, take me against a tree.” She reached out and grabbed the fabric of his t-shirt, fisting her hand in the soft cotton. Pu lling him down, she kissed him.
    His heart leaped, and his blood raced. He growled and yanked her into his arms. His hands snaked under the soft knit top and tugged it up and over her head,

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