Hunter shot him a look. Wyatt just winked at him. And stepped a little closer to her.
She liked the attention, truth be told. Something about testosterone filled men staring each other down over her thrilled her. Even if it was outdated and a bit backwards.
“ I get you .” Was all that he said to Hunter, nodding. He hovered close to her for a moment before moving over to his desk, sitting down and looking up at the two of them. Wyat t’ s tone shifted, his mouth turning down. He had capitulated.
“ I suppose you can take her around, huh, Hunter? I got work to do and you seem keen on hanging tight to her. So show her the place .” Wyatt opened up a book right on his desk and got to work, not even bothering to look up at the two of them.
Kat could n’ t help it. She pouted.
“ Come on, Kat. Le t’ s go .” Hunter placed his hand back on the small of her back and his grip strengthened as he guided her away from Wyatt and through the door.
“ If yo u’ re trying to make me jealous, it worked .” He whispered in her ear once they were out.
“ Why would you assume such a thing ?” A smile played on her lips as she walked past him, breaking contact once again. She walked up to the practice corrals just as a man let out of the gate. He only lasted for a couple of seconds before he flew off, his ass hitting the ground. He was up like a shot and out of the arena before she could even get worried. Hands were there, corralling the bull back through the intricate fencing that led to his pen.
One by one Kat watched different men ride bulls, following the same routine. They got up, rode, spoke to a coach, rested and went again. All training and looking at the bulls, trying to figure out how to read them and adjust to them. It reminded her of her fathe r’ s life. Of a life that she once wished she could have. Until she realized the grueling pace and the likelihood that she would end up bankrupt.
Despite wearing the least attractive outfit ever men were openly gawking at her, their eyes taking in everything but her own. Sometimes men could be so dense, it was like they did n’ t think she would notice because as soon as she made eye contact with a face they quickly turned their gaze elsewhere. The open leering made her feel like she did n’ t belong, more than ever. Judging from the look on Hunte r’ s face, he also did n’ t appreciate the way the men were looking at her.
“ So, what do you think of the facilities ?” Hunter shifted uneasily next to her. His hand hesitated on the small of her back but he put it down at his side.
“ I think they serve their purpose well. The men seem to appreciate the space, and they also seem to like the competition. Updates suggested ?” Kat tried to remain calm as she faced him, but then another man caught her eye as he suddenly turned away.
“I’ m just a farmhand and a rider, you might want to talk to Wyatt about that .” The edge in his tone let her know that he was irritable, but not just about Wyatt. He noticed it too.
“ I just might. But from a ride r’ s perspectiv e …”
He cut her off ,“ More corrals, more space. Maybe some new practice bulls. You know, might help bring in some clientele .” He ticked the major things off with his fingers.
“ I see. Anything else ?” She pursed her lips and tried to hide a smile. He could n’ t help acting like he was in charge.
“ Updated safety measures. Maybe make the upgrades that the inspector always advocates for. Even if they are n’ t mandatory . ”
She tried to take a mental note of what he was saying, but the feeling of eyes on her back was making her a little edgy. She turned back to watch another rider leap on a bull, getting lost in the motions, trying to ignore the curiosity that buzzed around her.
“ What other requests do you all have ?” She asked to the general group, because if one person had an opinion they all were likely to.
They swarmed her, several people speaking at once