Wild Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #4

Wild Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #4 by J.K. Harper Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Wild Wolf: Black Mesa Wolves #4 by J.K. Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.K. Harper
Tags: paranormal romance
gracefully concluded and smiled while the audience clapped. Somehow, she answered questions in a steady voice, managing to sound knowledgeable and confident in her responses despite both her general aversion to this part of her life as a writer and her shivering awareness of the gorgeous male wolf eating her up with his mere presence.
    Somehow, she managed to not pass out from some bizarre sort of hormonal reaction to him—a guy who was by all standards sexier than any wolf had a right to be—as he stood rock still the entire time, never taking his gaze from her face. Not that she slipped any glances at him, of course.
    Maybe just five dozen or so. Give or take.
    Somehow, she managed to not have a heart attack when he joined the line of people afterward who wanted her autograph in their purchased copies of her book, getting closer to her with every signature of her name she made with an only slightly shaking hand.
    She even managed to not dissolve into some sort of puddle of senselessness when he finally reached her, the very last person in line. She could make a break for it now, she supposed. But that would look and be crazy by anyone's standards. And why exactly she wanted to flee him was a bit of mystery, too. She couldn't figure out what on earth was going on with her. Her wolf seemed also to explode into sheer emotion as the male shifter approached, just like the other day, although this time there was some deeper awareness at play. Claire could only pick up on some sort of euphoria from her wolf, who danced and strained inside her mind, shakingly desperate to leap out and greet him. He looked like some kind of delicacy, one that would taste like mocha and cream and espresso, with spicy cayenne shot through.
    I don't even know him, Claire thought in a befuddled daze as he eased to a stop right before her.
    He'd somehow maneuvered himself to be the very last person in the line. Velvet brown eyes shot with sparks of gold from his wolf also peering out drank her in as he silently looked at her with what seemed like the thirst of a man long parched.
    She, on the other hand, must look like a deer in the headlights.
    Hormones, she thought wildly, although her wolf trembled with some sort of deeper emotion. This must be her recently unsated hormones reacting powerfully to a very attractive male wolf who broadcasted clear interest in her. It had been months since her body felt this aflame, alive, sexual.
    Never, her wolf instantly disagreed. Never felt like this.
    She watched as a slow, gentle smile curved up his lips and made his entire face open and warm. Without question, he was the kind of man who laughed often, smiled in automatic, genuine reflex to the world, and kept kindness at the forefront of all his interactions. She felt oddly comfortable in his presence, as if she'd known him her whole life. Dark, close-cropped hair teased from beneath the brim of his brown hat. Bare laugh lines etched his eyes and mouth, which still captured a smile.
    “Hey, there.” The slow, sweet molasses of his voice slipped over her. A sharp clench between her legs sent such a definite surge of desire washing over her. She sat, still freshly speechless, still staring back at him like a gape-mouthed idiot. “It was really nice to be able to listen to you read now. You have a beautiful voice. Really liked it the other day.” He paused and tipped his head to the side as he looked at her, as if weighing his next words. Then he went on, the gentle grin tugging his lips up as he spoke. “Wish you hadn't run away so fast. I kinda wanted your voice wrapped around me some more.”
    Claire's mouth dropped open as all the blood in her body seemed to simultaneously drop to that sweet spot between her legs, creating such a sense of heavy fullness and desire her breath stuttered in her chest.
    “I,” she began. His eyes mesmerized her, bringing the warmth slinging through her closer and closer to a feverish pitch. Where was she? Oh, yes. Bookstore.

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