William W. Johnstone

William W. Johnstone by Wind In The Ashes Read Free Book Online

Book: William W. Johnstone by Wind In The Ashes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wind In The Ashes
all remained silent.
    “Isn’t that a bit young for combat?” Ben asked.
    “Have you ever tried to grab hold of a young mountain lion, sir?” Ro asked.
    Good point, Ben thought. “Would some of your people consider staying back and guarding the hospital area?”
    “No,” both young men said simultaneously.
    There it was. Ben faced the young leaders of the woods-children and slowly nodded his head. “All right. Then tell me this: how can I best use you and your people?”
    “We cannot jump from the skies to float to the earth as some of you are planning,” Ro said. “We have had no training in that sort of thing. But you said just a few moments ago that you are going to fly in some of your people; land them on the earth in the plane. I would like that way to be our way in.” He smiled, and he looked very young. “It would be fun, for none of us have ever been in an aeroplane.”
    Ben had no idea where the young man picked up the British pronunciation. Perhaps he was English. There was much Ben did not know about these strange, wild, elusive woods-children. But he knew firsthand they were savage, vicious, no-quarter fighters.
    And the woods-children did not take prisoners.
    That would not set well with the people they would be going up against. Ben pointed that fact out to Wade and Ro.
    Both young men shrugged it off. Ro said, “We spoke of that with the others last night. None of us wish to be taken as prisoner by the Russian, Hartline, or any warlords. They would sexually abuse us, and then torture us to death. Believe me, we know.”
    “Then, get your people ready. You’ll lift off with the second contingent this afternoon. Scouts report a deserted airstrip at Big Lake. That’s where you’ll deplane. A platoon of Gray’s Scouts will be going in there, too. You’ll take orders from the team leader. Understood?”
    They understood.
    “Draw what supplies you’ll need and get ready.”
    Ro and Wade wheeled about and left without another word.
    “To tell you the truth,” Dan Gray said. “I rather feel sorry for any IPF people who encounter that bunch.”
    “They didn’t say it,” Ben said. “But I’m guessing they know where underground people live in that area. That’s the area they both told me they wanted … earlier this morning.”
    “They are so young,” Sylvia said, her words gentle.
    Ben looked at her. “How old were you when you killed your first person, Sylvia?”
    “Eleven,” she said very quietly. “After he raped me.”
    “They wanted in,” Ben said. “They’re in. And they know what is ahead of them—or have a pretty good idea. All right, now. Dan, you and the remainder of your people are dropping in when?”
    “We’ll be leaving straight away, General.”
    “Luck to you, Dan.”
    The Englishman saluted Ben and the others, then left the command post without another word.
    Ike moved to the open door and called, “Hey, limey!”
    Dan stopped and turned around.
    “You bring your ugly face back here in one piece, you hear, you toy soldier?”
    Dan grinned. “I shall certainly endeavor with all my might to comply with your request, swabby.”
    On the runway, the old prop engines were growling, warming up.
    Ben looked at Cecil. The man’s hair was almost all white now, but he still wore his beret proudly. And Ben knew the man was in excellent physical condition.
    “Yet another battle for us, Cec,” he said.
    “And after this, there will be another, and another. We should be used to them by now.”
    “Yes. I know you don’t like your assignment, but someone has to do it.”
    “That isn’t the reason you gave it to me, and you know I know it.”
    “Yes. The belief that one of us must come out of this alive certainly played a part in my decision. I won’t deny that.”
    Cecil nodded his head. Ben noticed for the first time that the man’s face was lined with age. But Cecil wasn’t that old, he thought. Fiftyish … but certainly not ancient, by anyone’s

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