Wings of Lomay

Wings of Lomay by Devri Walls Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Wings of Lomay by Devri Walls Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devri Walls
Tags: Fantasy, supernatural, Angels
Shifters we can back here.”
    Alcander threw one arm over his knee and turned to look at her, his eyes narrowing. “What?”
    “We need Shifters, Alcander. Not just for weapon making, but for battle. We will still be outnumbered no matter what we do, but even a few on our side could make the difference between victory and failure.”
    “Drustan already confirmed that they will do the minimum required to keep themselves alive. We can only afford those committed to the cause,” Alcander said.
    “Drustan is right. As long as those bracelets are on, we can’t depend on them.”
    Alcander looked at her as if she had sprouted a second head. “Wait. You want to take the bracelets off ?” His voice carried through the room.
    It caught the attention of a few Taveans, who glanced away from Emane’s lesson. One stern look from Alcander was all that was needed to put their eyes back where they belonged.
    Emane had now resorted to physically manipulating the Tavean he was teaching into the proper stance.
    “They need a choice,” she hissed. “They can pick sides. Whoever chooses to fight with us will return here. The others are free to go.”
    Alcander dropped his head. His hair covered his face and prevented her from seeing his expression. “This is madness. Why would they choose us? It’s nearly a death sentence.”
    Kiora’s chest jerked and she clenched her fists at her sides. A death sentence? Was that how little faith he had in her? She glared at him before moving to push herself up.
    Alcander reached out, putting his hand over hers. “I didn’t mean it like that. I apologize. This is just . . . a lot to take in.”
    She relaxed back against the wall. “It is madness. But everything will be madness from here on out. If we try to stick with what has been done, or what is expected, you’re right—everyone will die.”
    “The Shifters have been in our camps for years, basically working as slaves. What makes you think any of them will choose to come with us?”
    “Drustan seems to think it’s worth a try. He says they were impressed with me—maybe it will be enough.”
    “Alcander!” Emane shouted. He was leaning forward with his hands on his knees, breathing hard. “I would really like a break. Your turn. Let’s see how well you can teach.”
    Alcander pushed up, glancing back to Kiora before heading out to take the sword from Emane.
    ALCANDER WAS QUIETER THAN normal during dinner. Emane and Drustan bantered back and forth while Kiora laughed. Suddenly Alcander sat up straighter, pointing his fork at Drustan.
    “If we are going to do this, and it’s clear we are, Drustan should train the Shifters—once they are done making weapons.”
    Kiora inwardly relaxed. He wasn’t going to fight her on this. “Train them to do what?”
    Alcander stabbed a piece of meat with his fork, popping it in his mouth and then swallowing. “I have never seen another Shifter do what he does. It’s . . . useful,” he grudgingly admitted.
    Drustan grinned. “Ah, Alcander. I do love it when you sweet-talk me.”
    “Seen them do what?” Emane asked around a mouthful of heavily honeyed roll. “They all shift.”
    “Not like I do,” Drustan said, leaning back in his chair. “Shifters are taught from infancy to imitate life in its purest form. It is a reverenced belief system.” He waved his hand in the air as if it were the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. “Although capable of mixing creature traits, such as I do, most abhor the thought. Thankfully, my time in Meros brought me to my senses.”
    “That’s why the Taveans were so surprised when you shifted in the throne room,” Kiora said.
    Drustan chuckled. “I am sure they had never seen anything quite like it.”
    The conversation paused as a group of three Taveans came, stopping to bow to their king. Alcander acknowledged them and they continued on to another table.
    “If Drustan can get the other Shifters to do the things he does, it would be very

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