Winter in Eden

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Book: Winter in Eden by Harry Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harry Harrison
gurgled on her back, seemingly enjoying the release as much as she did.
    Armun walked until trees hid the tents and only then did she stop and catch her breath. Ahead of her the white plain stretched out, not really a plain but the frozen, snow-covered river. Black dots moved upon it in the distance and she was suddenly sorry that she had come this far alone. She had no weapon, not even a knife. Even if she had she would never have been able to stand against the starving predators. They were closer and she turned to run—and stopped.
    There were more now, strung out in a single line, more and more of them. Hunters! Could it be?
    Unmoving she watched as they came closer, until it was clear that they were hunters—skinclad, Winter in Eden - Harry Harrison
    snowshoed hunters. And the one in front, that massive form could be no other, it must be Herilak.
    Breaking trail, leading the way. She shielded her eyes to see which one was Kerrick, her heart pounding as though it would burst. She laughed aloud and waved. They must have seen her for their ululating cry of victory cut the air. She could not move, only wait as they came closer and closer, until Herilak's frosted beard was clear, until he could hear her cry.
    "Kerrick—where are you?"
    Herilak did not answer, nor was there any answering shout and she swayed and almost fell.
    "He is dead! I am dead!" she screamed when Herilak came close.
    "No. Kerrick lives, he is sound. The battle has been won."
    "Then why doesn't he answer me? Kerrick!"
    She floundered through the snow to get past the big hunter, but he stayed her with one hand.
    "He is not here. He did not return with us. He is in the burnt murgu city. He told me to care for you in my sammad and that I will do."
    "Kerrick!" she wailed and struggled against his grip.
    To no avail.
    In a single instant Herilak's words had wiped away all of Armun's nameless fears. He did not return with us. He is in the burnt murgu city. He told me to care for you in my sammad and that I will do . The world was harsh enough without imagining it worse. In silence she had turned from the hunters and trudged through the snow back to her tent. They had gone swiftly by her, calling out to the encampment as they went, listening for the answering cries from the sammads and hurrying even faster.
    Armun heard all this—but was not aware of hearing it for she listened to the far louder inner voice of her thoughts. Alive. He was alive. He had not returned with the others, but Kerrick would have a good reason for that. She would ask Herilak, but later, after the first excitement of the homecoming was over. It was enough to know that Kerrick had led them in battle—and that the battle had been won. The murgu destroyed at last. Now the endless fighting would be over. He would come to her and they would live as all the other hunters lived. Unknowing, she hummed aloud with pleasure and Arnwheet chuckled happily Winter in Eden - Harry Harrison
    on her back.
    Later, when the baby slept, she went out and listened to the excited talk of the women. How the hunters had burnt the city of the murgu, killed the murgu, every last one, and had now returned in victory. She moved along the trampled paths in the snow until she came to Herilak's tent. He was standing outside of it but started to go in when he saw her.
    She called out to him and he turned back with some reluctance.
    "I would talk to you, Herilak. I wish to ask about Kerrick."
    "He remained behind in the murgu place, I told you that."
    "You did not tell me why he did this thing and did not return with the others."
    "He did not wish to. Perhaps he likes it there with the murgu. Perhaps he is more murgu than Tanu. There were murgu still alive and he would not kill them—or let us kill them. When this happened we left and came here because we were through at that place."
    She sensed the ill feeling, and with it came the quick return of all her fears. "Did he say when he would return—"

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