Women Sleuths,
Mystery; Thriller & Suspense,
Witches & Wizards,
Crafts & Hobbies
audition is finished.”
“Winky! You can’t leave me like this!”
“I suppose I could be persuaded.”
“Red not pink, obviously.”
It was several days since the murder, and the library had now reopened. It was high time I had a look around there. The woman sitting behind the desk was wearing a badge which read: ‘ Acting Senior Librarian’ . Presumably, she’d had it made specially.
“Morning.” She smiled. “Welcome to Washbridge library. Is there anything I can help you with today?”
“I’m not actually looking for a book. My name is Jill Gooder. I’m a private investigator. I’m investigating the murder of Anita Pick.”
“Oh? Aren’t the police dealing with that?”
“I’m working alongside them.” Whether they like it or not. “Did you know Anita well?”
She glanced left and right, as though she wanted to make sure no one could overhear.
“Quite well. Or, at least as well as anyone could get to know that woman. To be honest, I always found her a little cold—and she could be really spiteful sometimes.”
“Spiteful, how?”
“I applied for a Senior Librarian position at another library; I’d rather not name it. But when I asked her if she’d support my application, she refused. She said I didn’t have the necessary experience, which is total rubbish. I’ve been doing the job for over eight years; I know just as much about the library as Anita.”
“I see. Can you think of any reason why someone would want to murder her?”
“No, certainly not. She wasn’t my favourite person, but I have no idea why anyone would want to do her harm.”
“Have you worked in this particular library recently?”
“On and off. I tend to move around between several libraries—filling in as necessary to cover absence and holidays.”
“Is it okay if I take a look around?”
“Yes, of course. Help yourself.”
The library was old and in need of some renovation. Apart from a lot of books, there really wasn’t much else to see. There didn’t appear to be any security cameras inside the building, so on my way out I checked with the Acting Senior Librarian.
“I can’t see any CCTV cameras inside the building. Is that right?”
“There isn’t the money for them, and anyway, what would people steal? A few books? It wouldn’t be worth it these days. There are cameras outside which cover the main doors.”
“I didn’t notice them when I came in.”
“They’re actually obscured a little by the tree.”
“But they still work, do they?”
“I don’t actually know, but I assume so.”
“Would it be possible to see the recordings?”
“That’s all dealt with by an external security company. I believe the same company covers all the libraries in the region. I can find you the name if you like. You could leave me your number, and I’ll call you with the details.”
“Thanks. That would be very helpful.”
Aunt Lucy had sent a message that she wanted to see me, so I magicked myself over to her house.
“Thanks for coming, Jill. Would you like a cup of tea and a custard cream? I got some in specially for you.”
“Go on then, if you’re twisting my arm.”
She made tea, and we settled down in the kitchen with a plate of custard creams in front of us. There were six on the plate. So that was four for me and two for Aunt Lucy.
What? I’m only joking. Sheesh.
“What did you want to talk to me about, Aunt Lucy?”
“A friend of mine, Coral Fish, is the curator of the Candlefield Museum of Witchcraft.”
“I didn’t know there was such a place.”
“It’s on the other side of Candlefield, so you probably won’t have seen it. Anyway, it seems their most important exhibit has been stolen: The Wand of Magna.”
“Wand? I didn’t think witches used wands?”
“They never have really, but a long time ago they used to carry them as a sort of symbol; a representation of their magical powers. It was a silly