wished her a murmured good-night.
Tina had been rendered speechless, and she had been wide-eyed with surprise as she gazed after his retreating figure. After the sensual awareness that had simmered beneath the surface between them all evening, she had expected Eric to make a move on her when he brought her home—try to take her in his arms, kiss her, or at the very least, since it wasn’t very late, suggest she invite him inside for a cup of coffee or something.
It was the contemplation of that possible something that had made Tina’s hands unsteady. All the way home, she had worried the question of what she would do if Eric did attempt to kiss her...or something. Then, when he hadn’t so much as brushed his fingers against hers, Tina had been hard-pressed to decide whether she felt relieved or insulted.
If truth were faced, Tina had to acknowledge that she was more than passingly curious as to how it would feel to have Eric’s sexy-looking mouth pressed to her lips.
Of course, Tina had no intention whatsoever of facing that truth. She was too busy reminding herself that the absolute last thing she wanted was involvement with a man.
Now all she had to do was figure out a way to stop speculating about him, banish him from her mind.
Stealing a quick glance through the window over her shoulder, Tina admitted ruefully that ejecting Eric Wolfe from her mind would not be a simple matter. Some masculine essence of him spoke in eloquent and erotic terms to some wayward and errant feminine essence inside her.
Tina felt a hollow yearning, a blatant hunger she had not experienced since the very early days of her marriage.
Wrong. The denial flashed through her mind, bringing with it the unwanted added baggage of self-realization. She had very recently conceded that not even with Glen, before or after they were married, had she experienced such a degree of melting arousal. Not with Glen or any man she had met since her divorce.
Ted immediately came to mind; Ted, and the drunken play he had made when she drove them home Friday night. He had pressured, cajoled, even coaxed her to allow him to deepen their friendship into a more intimate relationship.
Tina had been tactful, but she had been firm, letting him know she simply wasn’t interested. And she wasn’t, and never had been. Even with her husband, she had pondered her lack of burning enthusiasm for the physical act of love; hadn’t Glen repeatedly accused her of being cold, devoid of sensuality? He had. And hadn’t she come to accept his accusation? She had.
But that had been before she met Eric Wolfe and her hormones went bananas.
And, except for the odd bits of information she had wrung from him last night, she didn’t even know the man.
Tina shuddered. She didn’t like it. She didn’t want it. She didn’t need it.
Well, it had been nearly two years since...and maybe she did need it ...but...
Both startled and shocked by her own silent admission, Tina forgot the video and took off at a trot for the shower, as if she could run away from her own thoughts.
* * *
He had to be nuts. Eric made the conclusion as he stripped the sodden sweats off his chilled body. Certifiable. No doubt about it. Grinning at his rain-slicked reflection in the medicine cabinet mirror, he stepped into the bathtub and under a stinging-hot shower spray.
She looked sexy as hell in a leotard.
Heat unrelated to the steaming water cascading over him streaked through Eric’s body. Without appearing to look or turning his head as he jogged by her house, he had caught a glimpse of Tina standing at the wide window, her neat, curvaceous body encased in an electric blue-and-sun yellow spandex leotard. He had very nearly tripped over his own big feet.
So, she hadn’t been merely making conversation over dinner when she said she worked at keeping herself in shape, too, he mused, slowly turning the tap, adjusting the water temperature from hissing hot to chilling cold.
She’d be lithe and