Woman King
admit, she had captured my
attention. I motioned rapidly with my hand to continue.
    “To my surprise, the devil asked the angel if
he would take a walk with him. I did not know at the time, but it
seems that the devil enjoys making deals and negotiations. Testing
the intellect of his opponents gives him great pleasure.
    “The angel agreed to walk with him, but only
if they stayed outside the castle. It was dark now, but a full moon
glowed, illuminating the grounds. While waiting for them, I leaned
against the tree, listening as the mountains came alive with the
sounds of creatures in the area, including wolves. I vowed to
myself that I would go to the barn and lock the doors if they
didn’t return quickly.
    “After a short while, they returned. But at
that moment, I had never been so frightened. I had climbed the
mountain to the school full of the energy of an ambitious woman in
her thirties, with no idea of the true expense of the knowledge I
desired. Exposed at the doorway to the devil and his brood, I now
understood that some things are too costly to pursue. And
furthermore, I had angered the devil by refusing his wish. If he
won the argument, what would become of me once I was inside the
    I had the same question burning in my mind
and was beginning to imagine all kinds of torture, images straight
out of all the late-night horror movies I had seen.
    “The devil seemed to enjoy my apprehension,
for he grinned broadly and took his time to speak. ‘You are free to
leave,’ was all he said, and then he disappeared into the
    “Is that it? You walked away?”
    Elsa was about to finish her story when my
doorbell rang. We both looked at each other, wondering who it could
be. I shrugged my shoulders and got up to find out.
    When I opened the door, Lily was standing
    “Where have you been?” she asked, pushing
past me. “Why are you blowing me off? You won’t come out, you don’t
answer my texts…”
    She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Elsa
standing inside. Both women grabbed me, each trying to tug me to
safety. I yanked free and yelled at them both.
    “What is the matter with you two?” I asked,
gesturing with my hands to make introductions. “Elsa, this is Lily,
my best friend. Lily, this is, well, this is Elsa.”
    Elsa responded by asking me a question. “Your
best friend is a fairy?”
    Lily, not to be topped, asked, “Why is there
a time-walker in your house, Olivia?”
    This clearly was not going to be a normal
ladies night at home for the three of us. I wasn’t sure which one
to answer first.
    “Elsa is the panther from my dreams. She is
here to help me… it’s a long story. Why does Elsa think you are a
    Lily spoke to Elsa, ignoring me. “Who sent
    “I could ask you the same thing,” Elsa said.
“Are you supposed to be guarding her?”
    Lily looked slightly defensive as she turned
to me to give her reply. “I met Olivia when we were neighbors. I
don’t usually take humans as close friends, but I could see she was
special. I am not officially her guardian, I never asked for
permission. We became friends. I have always tried to look out for
her. She is flying blind, you know.”
    “Have you seen the demon?” Elsa asked.
    Lily shook her head. “No, but I sensed his
presence. I placed a few minor charms around her home to keep him
away, but since I am not her guardian, I could not intervene.”
    This seemed to satisfy Elsa, because she took
a step away from me as she nodded in agreement. But I was not happy
being an invisible third party.
    “Hello,” I said, waving my arms at them both.
“I am standing right here. Can you two tell me what is going on?
Lily, you’re a fairy ?”
    Lily smiled. “Yes, but honestly, is that so
shocking to you, after seeing Elsa appear? You must know by now
that there is another world of creatures beyond what humans can
see. When I first met you, I could tell right away that you had
extra gifts.
    I expected you

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