Worlds of BBW Erotic Romance - Box Set

Worlds of BBW Erotic Romance - Box Set by Celia Demure, Jennie Primrose Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Worlds of BBW Erotic Romance - Box Set by Celia Demure, Jennie Primrose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celia Demure, Jennie Primrose
brothers, the Clements and all his tormentors. Hates them for making him hate himself. Hates them but he will turn the hate around, use it, someday show them, prove to them, and then—
    Ed is twenty-one. One evening, when he sits down for the evening meal, his father places an
    envelope before him.
    “There’s been a minor miracle,” he says. “I’ve gotten you an appointment.” He wears a look of sinister smugness.
    Ed opens the letter and reads it. “Constable in the town of Bramble Gorge?Where is that”
    His father shrugs. “A young man with your flaws cannot be picky, can he? As the great book says: “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.’”
    Two days later, his things packed, he stands by the door.
    His mother is crying but his father is in a joyous mood.
    “You’re a boil on the skin of this family,” he says. “We’re glad to get rid of you.”
    Ed shouts over his father’s shoulder, hoping that his mother will hear: “I’ll write soon.”
    His father leans close, his eyes wide with a sudden fury. “Do not ever taint this house with your words or your presence again, do you hear me? We are through with you, you crippled parasite!”
    Ed’s own temper flares up hot. “Someday you’ll regret this!” he shouts. “You rutting bastard, I’ll make you take that back!”
    His father laughs. “You would need a commendation from the Governor himself before I would admit to having any pride in you, boy!”
    And then he spits at Ed’s feet, and turns away.
    Regret this, regret!
    Hate wells up inside Ed, hot and strong.
    I’ll show you all, call me cripple I’ll show you show you rutting bastards all of you!
    And suddenly the force in his mind is gone. The hissing voice is silent.
    Ed’s head pounds, he can feel his body shaking, but he does not want to open his eyes.
    Someone is screaming and it is the shriek of something dry and dead … and yet very, very angry.
    “He won’t stop screaming, Sir! You see?”
    Mister Starks was shaking now, his nerves rattled nearly to pieces.
    First the boy had begun convulsing, then he had stopped moving and slumped down, then the God-forsaken creature Reverend Mott had started shrieking from the corner, emitting an unending wail like a howling wind from a miles-deep cave.
    Starks had summoned the Rector immediately, of course. His employer did not seem pleased.             
    “The Reverend’s screaming because the Master is connected to him and the Master is hurt. Hurt and … angry,” the Rector explained, his hand cupped to Starks’ ear so that his servant could hear him over Mott’s screeching.
    “What about the lad?” Starks asked.
    The Rector leaned close to Ed Bolt, studying the bound youth’s face. “He’s coming around. Damn, but he fought it off! That shouldn’t have been possible! Certainly, the Master didn’t think it so.”
    “Should I knock him out again, maybe use the tool on his head?” Starks only hoped that he hadn’t ruined the experiment somehow …
    “No. He’s weak. Take him to the cell for now. We need to find out more from him, just how he resisted the Master. It could show up a flaw in our plans.” The Rector rubbed his brow and sighed. “I have to attend to the Master. See to the boy.”
    The shrieking continued, Mott’s lipless mouth gaping wide to spit out the echoing rage. The sound made Starks queasy.
    As he moved forward to retrieve the youth from the device, Starks saw the burnt-out stump of a candle on a nearby table. Grabbing up the tallow, he rolled it into two balls and used them to plug his ears.
    Blessed , he thought, but that’s a little better, at

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