Worth the Wait

Worth the Wait by Rhonda Laurel Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Worth the Wait by Rhonda Laurel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Laurel
Tags: interracial romance
He held his hands up in the air. “I normally get a grunt or stiff nod from your uncle.”
    “Sounds like you two are getting along. He doesn’t give just anyone that stiff nod. You have to earn it.”
    “He doesn’t do that with you.”
    She smiled. “Well, I’m special.”
    “Yes, you are.” Riley’s eyes gleamed. “So how’s school? I heard you’re thinking about pursuing medicine.”
    “Yes.” She grimaced. Was there anybody on the planet her Uncle Seth hadn’t told?
    “If you ever need someone to play doctor with you, give me a call.” He winked.
    A female voice interrupted from behind him, “I don’t think there’s a medical remedy for an overinflated ego.”
    They both turned around to see Parker standing there.
    Avery hugged her. “Parker! What are you doinghere?”
    “Sam’s doing an overview of the stadium’s security and I thought I’d tag along.”
    “Parker, I’d like you to meet Riley Sloane.” Avery turned to Riley. “Riley this is Parker Carson. She’s Sam’s sister.”
    He gave Parker a casual once over. “What’s with the gun?”
    “I’m a cop.” She flashed a fake smile. “And although your performance on the field is sometimes criminal, alasI cannot arrest you for it.”
    “Improving every game is part of the drama that keeps people tuned into the Tomcats as we rise from the ashes to a Super Bowl victory. People love to root for the handsome superstar. TV ratings go up every time the Tomcats play.”
    Parker shrugged. “Ever since the big boom of reality TV, everyone thinks they’re a superstar.”
    Avery bit back a smile.The ever-smooth Riley looked like he wanted to strangle Parker, and Parker looked like she was waiting for him to make a wrong move so she could take him down. A man passing by with a camera waved at Riley and halted the building tension a little. The quarterback motioned for him to come over.
    “Ladies, this is Stu. He’s the photographer who’s going around the stadium taking day-in-the-lifeshots for a project Seth’s putting together about our daily operations. Stu, you’re in for a treat. This is Seth’s brilliant niece, Avery Reed. She’s going to med school in the near future.”
    “Hi, Avery.” The photographer beamed as he shook Avery’s hand.
    When Riley didn’t attempt to introduce Parker, Avery intervened. “Stu, this is Parker Carson. She’s J.J.’s sister-in-law. Her sisterSam is roaming the stadium checking the security layout.”
    He shook Parker’s hand too. “I saw Sam and her team near the loading bays. I can definitely see the resemblance.”
    Riley draped his arm around Avery’s shoulders. “Stu, how about you take a picture of us?”
    “That’s a great idea.” Avery locked arms with Parker and pulled her closer.
    “Sure.” Stu took the lens cap offhis camera. “Parker I just need you to get on the other side of Riley. And Riley, if you could put your arm around each beautiful lady’s waist, it would be great. Our star quarterback’s a big guy, if he puts his arm around your shoulders, it looks like he’s mauling you.”
    Avery and Riley were getting into the posing position just fine. He gently placed his arm around her waist. Being thatclose to him, she couldn’t help but notice the definition in his body. He was lean but muscular and solid. He towered over her, not that it was hard. She envied Parker’s taller stature. Her five-foot-seven frame complemented a man of Riley’s height better than Avery’s did. She was ready to get the photo over with, but Riley and Parker were having problems standing close to one another. From the lookon Parker’s face, Avery was pretty sure her friend would rather be in the middle of another lecture from J.J. right now than posing with the egoistical quarterback. Stu gave them a few more directions and they were finally in the position he wanted for the photos.
    “Watch the hands, pretty boy,” Parker mumbled. “This isn’t a date.”
    “Been a while, has

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