Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance)

Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance) by Michelle Cary Read Free Book Online

Book: Wrestling Desire 2 (A Contemporary Romance) by Michelle Cary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Cary
in the hell happened,” Bryan’s panicked voice filled the room.  Holt glanced over his shoulder to see Bryan with Garrett standing not too far away.
    “She was sick last night,” Holt explained.  “Then she was in the shower this morning.  Apparently she got dizzy and fell.”
    Bryan stepped to the end of the bed and placed a hand on Emma’s leg.  “What’s wrong with her?”
    “Don’t know yet,” Doctor Andrew’s answered as he checked Emma’s vital signs. “Emma, how long have you been feeling sick?”
    “A couple of days.”
    Holt’s eyes widened with her statement. “A couple of days?  Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling well?”
    “I thought it was stress ,” Emma shrugged. “And I didn’t want you to worry.”
    She didn’t want him to worry. Holt barely refrained from rolling his eyes.  He wanted to throttle her for not telling him, but at the same time he wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his arms and protect her from the world.
    “Was last night the first time you vomited?” Doctor Andrew’s continued.
    “Yeah.”  The glazed look in her eyes slowly began to clear, giving Holt a measure of comfort. 
    “What about this dizziness?  Have you experienced it before?”
    “When was your last period?”
    Holt’s attention cut from Emma to Doctor Andrews.  “Why do you need to know that?”
    “I’m just covering all my bases,” Doctor Andrew’s replied.
    Knowing the implication behind the question Holt glanced from Emma to the doctor and back.  “You don’t think she’s pregnant do you?”
    “I don’t know, Holt, but I have to consider everything.”
    “Um…a little over two weeks ago,” she finally answered. 
    “Okay.” Doc nodded.  “Probably not pregnant then.” 
    A hint of regret flittered through Holt’s mind at Doctor Andrew’s statement which he quickly squashed.  The last thing he needed in his life right now was a child. 
    Doc continued.  “Based on the fact that you’ve felt bad for a couple of days but only vomited once I doubt its food related.  Something like food poisoning would have taken you down like a bullet and kept you there.”  He rubbed his chin.  “A couple of the Vixen wrestlers have been down with the flu and both have had similar symptoms.  At this point I’m tempted to call this a virus.”
    “So it’s nothing serious?” Holt felt his muscles relax as relief swept through him. 
    “I don’t think so,” Doctor Andrew’s said.  “I’m inclined to believe it’s the flu, but if she’s not better in a few days we’ll reassess.”  Doc reached over to take the towel from Holt.  “Now let’s take a look at that cut.”
    * * *
    Two hours later Bryan stood at the foot of the b ed and stared at Emma . “You should have let Doctor Andrews take you to the hospital like he wanted.”
    Feeling defiant, Emma folded her arms across her chest and stared back at him. Right now he was the last person in the world she’d take orders from.  “And I’ll tell you just like I told him, I didn’t want to go.”
    “Why, Emma?  What are you hiding?  What are you afraid of?  Are you afraid that the emergency room doctors would eventually figure out that Holt did that to your head and it wasn’t an accident?”
    Fire flared in her eyes as she stared back at him.  “How dare you. How dare you say something like that?”
    “Just tell the truth,” he pushed.  “We both know it wasn’t an accident.  We both know he did that to you.”
    “Jill was here when I fell.  She knows it was an accident. Holt didn’t lay a finger on me. It was an accident just like we said.  And you’re one to talk about telling the truth.  Yeah, you know…why don’t we talk about your version of the truth?”
    “What are you talking about Em?”
    “I’m talking about how you practically blackmailed Gene into giving you the push toward the championship.”
    His eyes widened with surprise.  “Who told you

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