Wrong Place (The Wrong Series)

Wrong Place (The Wrong Series) by Mitchel Grace Read Free Book Online

Book: Wrong Place (The Wrong Series) by Mitchel Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitchel Grace
now she could hear footsteps. She quickly pulled the flash drive out of the computer and threw it in her bag on top of everything else and headed for the door. As she exited the room, Mr. Fields caught her.
    “Where are you going, M s. Fisher?”
    “I’m sorry , but I’m on a strict schedule, and I really have to be going. Hopefully my resume will speak for itself.”
    “Very well. You’ ll be hearing from us soon,” he said, even though he found the situation to be slightly suspicious.
    Sam then turned, walked to the front of the plant, and walked through the front doors without ev er looking back or even noticing that her precious flash drive had fallen out of her bag.
    * * * * *
    While Sam was taking care of everything in the office, Fields walked into the bathroom to find an unconscious, but starting to stir, Adrian. God, I don’t have time for this, he thought while scowling. Just then Adrian opened his eyes. Dan was the first to speak.
    “Are you okay , buddy? You just passed out suddenly.”
    “My head’s killing me.”
    “Yeah, you probably hit your head on the floor.”
    The truth was that Dan felt pretty bad about having to do what he did, but he had to create some type of distraction, and in the spur of the moment, this was the best thing he could come up with.
    “Here, Mr. Fields, can you help me get him off the floor and to his desk?” Dan asked.
    “Are you sure we should move him?” 
    “Trust me, I would rather be anywhere other than on the men’s room floor. Help me up,” Adrian said.
    The two men helped him up and assisted him to his desk where Fields made a call to the hospital, despite Adrian’s protests. After the phone call, Fields told the two men that he had to get back to his interview, but asked Dan to sit with Adrian until someone arrived. Dan was already planning on doing that, if nothing else out of sheer guilt. As Fields made his way back to his office, he saw a very hurried looking Sam exiting his office. After exchanging a few words with her, and ultimately seeing her leave, he entered his office. He sat down at his desk and moved the mouse. The message he saw on the computer was very disturbing to him. It read transfer complete .
    * * * * *
    Sam couldn’t believe that the flash drive was gone , and she was just hopeful that the guy in the waiting room had picked it up. She made a call to Jason to explain the situation and hopefully get an address to the guy’s house.
    “Hello ,” Jason said.
    “Hey, I have a huge problem.” 
    “Let me guess, you actually went through with it.” 
    “Well, yeah. Obviously.” 
    Jason sighed.
    “Did you find anything interesting?” 
    “Maybe, but you see, that’s the problem. I got all the information off the computer.”
    “That’s actually great. W ell, I mean that was part of the goal, although technically you shouldn’t have even done any of this.”
    “There’s more. You see, I sort of lost the flash drive,” Sam said timidly.
    “Amazing. H ow did you manage to do that?” 
    “I don’t know! I was in a hurry, so I just threw it in my bag that was full of files. It must have just fallen out. God, I feel stupid!”
    “Look, this operation technically does n’t even exist. This little, or should I say large, misstep can just stay between us. Just step away from this one like you should have in the first place.”
    “I think there’s a chance that a guy named Nathan Grey could have picked it up. Can you run his name and tell me where I can find him?”
    “Well first of all, I technically can’t help you out on this one, and second of all, you could just get the guy’s address by searching for him on any social networking site. Why do you think he would have picked it up?” 
    “He was the only person who was in the waiting room, so it stands t o reason that if anyone saw me drop it, then it would have been him. Of course, that’s assuming that it fell out while I was still in the building. Also, for some

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