Wrong Place (The Wrong Series)

Wrong Place (The Wrong Series) by Mitchel Grace Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Wrong Place (The Wrong Series) by Mitchel Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitchel Grace
is the fact that if you hit a man hard enough to break his jaw, it does a number on your hand, too. While he grabbed his hand in pain, the man behind him jumped on his back. Dan spun around trying to sling him off and felt a punch to his face from the man who had initially been to his left. He and the man who was on his back fell to the floor. The jar from the floor separated the two. At least he’s off my back now, Dan thought. He swung himself up, and in an upward motion connected with the man’s gut who had previously knocked him to the ground. The man doubled over in pain. Dan felt a pain in the back of his head and then collapsed to the floor. He hadn’t been knocked out, but what had hit him, a train? There wasn’t much, if any, fight left in Dan after such a crushing blow. As he turned his head, there stood the towering Jacob.
    “I’ ll kill you before this is all over,” Dan said.
    Jacob knelt beside him and whispered, “I’m going torture you until you beg me for your own death, and then, and only then, will I slowly let your life expire.”
    “Take him to a cell,” Fields said.
    Thre e of the four original men Dan had fought collected him and drug him to his prison. Once he was inside, they tied his hands and feet tight enough that he couldn’t move in the least bit. Dan feared the hell that would almost certainly come next. He sighed and simply said, “God help me.”

Chapter 6
    “Nice story, Nathan. Where in the world did you come up with all that?” Michael asked after Nathan had finished telling him about what happened in the solar plant.
    “No , honestly, that’s seriously what just happened. It was really bizarre.”
    “Really? Well , in that case, you have to see what’s on that flash drive.”
    “Well, obviously, but I just wonder what that girl could have done to make them shut the place down. I mean, it’s hard to believe she could be a threat to anyone.”
    “It’s a solar panel plant, Nathan. What could she have taken that was so important from there?”
    Nathan had no answer to Michael’s question. The place did seem too irrelevant for anything of any importance to possibly be housed there, and the girl seemed far too harmless to cause any real damage, even if there were something of importance there. The most puzzling question in all of this, however, was how Michael was asking all the right questions. He was normally all over the place in their conversations, but today he seemed to be spot on.
    “So have you talked to Lee lately?” Michael asked.
    “No. Isn’t he in Georgia with you?”
    “Nope. H e’s been back in Mississippi for a few days now. I’m surprised he didn’t let you know.”
    Honestly , upon hearing the news that Lee was back in town, Nathan couldn’t help but feel a little offended that he hadn’t come by or even called, but he understood why. Lee has always had one problem. He’s brilliant. If anyone ever needed anything from a fake passport to a hacked cell phone, he was the guy to go to. While his many skills had benefited him in the past, they had also come with a price. Every time he saw anyone he knew, they wanted him to do something for them. If they weren’t asking him to hack a phone or game system, they were asking him to hack their cable box so they can get all the channels for free. Then there were always the high school and young college kids who wanted fake ID’s made. He simply refused to make such ID’s for them, but it still didn’t stop anyone from asking him to do it. Nathan had always tried to leave him alone and not ask for much, but he even caught himself at times asking, “Hey, can you do this?”
    “He’s probably just busy,” Nathan said, while visually shrugging to no one in particular.
    “Yeah , probably.”
    “Wait a minute. How did we get off on this? I thought I was telling you some potentially really important information. Like conspiracy theory stuff.” 
    “I have no idea, but let me know what’s on

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