Wyoming Sweethearts

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Book: Wyoming Sweethearts by Jillian Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jillian Hart
gentleman underneath his cowboy charm. She stepped into the air-conditioning with a sigh. “She is the only person I can’t say no to.”
    “So you are stuck going out on a date when you don’t want to date?”
    “Exactly.” She liked that he understood. Her own mother had little sympathy for the situation with her matchmaking grandma. “But it’s only one dinner. I can suffer through anything for an hour or so, at least that’s what I tell myself.”
    “Sure. Who is it with?”
    “I don’t know him. Some guy who lives in the next town over.” She hesitated in the well-appointed lobby, where their paths would part. The front door loomed to the left, the hallway leading to her office to the right. Remembering what Julianna had said made her blush. She wasn’t interested in Sean in that way. “The last thing I need is a boyfriend.”
    “Right, because who wants to be tied down like that?” He swept off his Stetson and raked a hand through his thick dark hair. “Who needs the heartache?”
    “You said it.” It was nice that they shared this common ground. Not wanting a repeat of earlier when he’d held her hand too long, she backed away. Maybea no-physical-contact policy between them would be a good idea. “Thanks again, Sean.”
    “Any time. I’ll see you on the next horse-gathering mission?”
    “Absolutely.” She spun on her heel so she couldn’t be tempted to watch him walk away. So she couldn’t be tempted to wonder why any woman would have chosen another man over him. He didn’t even seem to notice her disability. He didn’t treat her differently because of her limp. He had understood the devastation she’d felt after her accident and her breakup.
    He was a nice guy. A really nice guy. That type of man was hard to find, which made her think about her impending date. She gripped her cane tightly and turned her thoughts to the evening ahead.
Please, Lord,
she prayed as she always did before one of Gran’s fix-ups.
Let this blind date not be too uncomfortable.
    God hadn’t answered that particular prayer yet, but there was always a first. She was determined to hold out hope.
    “We have to fend for ourselves tonight.” Uncle Frank looked up from his laptop on the kitchen table the moment Sean came through the door. “The girls are in Jackson trying on the dresses for Autumn’s wedding and dragged Mrs. G. with them. I told her you and I could throw something on the barbecue or hit the diner. What do you say?”
    “The diner.” He’d just finished cleaning out three stables and feeding all the horses. That explained where Autumn was, who practically lived in the barns. “Where’s Tucker?”
    “His fiancée is cooking for him, but he didn’t see fit to extend an invitation to us.” Frank grinned and pushedaway from the table. “Let me grab my hat and my keys. How did the horse rescue turn out?”
    “Good. The inn has some gentle animals, and some good horses have a caring home.” He turned on his heel and headed right back out the door.
    “Then it’s good news all around.” Frank seemed in an unusually chipper mood but he didn’t explain as he hopped down the steps. Buttercup dashed up to the fence and mooed, her bright eyes sparkling. “Hey, girl. I’ll come see you later. How’s that?”
    A discontented moo trailed after them as they headed to the garage.
    “Tucker’s about ready to take possession of the land he bought.” Frank hopped into the driver’s seat of his big black pickup.
    Sean climbed into the passenger seat and buckled in. He liked his uncle. He couldn’t count the number of times Dad had said, “You remind me of my brother.” Sean supposed he and Frank were alike in some ways. They both liked the outdoors, loved animals, had ranching in their blood. Sean liked to think he was as even-tempered. “Does that mean the Greens are officially moved off the land he bought?”
    “They leave tomorrow for Florida. Retirement. I can’t picture that.” He

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