Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5)

Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5) by Peggy L Henderson Read Free Book Online

Book: Yellowstone Romance Series - Bundle (# 2-5) by Peggy L Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy L Henderson
is Andrew Jackson. Why do you ask?” Chase unleashed a string of curse words, causing the blood to rush to Sarah’s face, and her cheeks burned.
    “Would you please explain to me what is going on?” she asked, exasperated. He had seemed rational yesterday. Right now, his behavior was that of a demented person.
    “What’s the date?” he demanded.
    “Date?” The distraught look on his face startled her.  ”It’s May, but I . . . I’m not sure of the day. My mother keeps records of these things.”
    He waved off her answer, shaking his head. “No, what year is it?”
    “1835. What does it matter what--”
    “How the hell did this happen?” Chase jumped out of his chair and raked his hands through his hair, holding on to his head. “How is it even possible?” He paced the length of the cabin. Sarah sat and watched. It was better to back away from an enraged grizzly than provoke it further, her Uncle Elk Runner always said. She kept a steady hand near the hilt of her knife, just in case.
    “Okay, okay, think, Russell, think.” He was talking to himself in low tones, but his pacing didn’t let up. Sarah rose slowly from her seat and moved to the hearth. The water in the kettle bubbled. She spooned coffee grounds into a pot and ladled the hot water into it. Then she poured two cups. Chase came up beside her and took the cups from her. She stiffened when she felt his arm graze hers. He stood so close, she felt the heat coming off his body.
    “Here, I got this. You don’t need to wait on me.” His tone had definitely calmed.
    “Do you wish to tell me what has you so upset?” Sarah asked, following him back to the table.
    He laughed. Then he shook his head. “I don’t even know how to explain this, but,” he paused and regarded her for a moment, “two days ago I climbed into the Yellowstone Canyon with five of my trail crew compadres, and it was twenty-thirty five. The next morning, they were all gone. I climbed back up the canyon, thinking it would be an easy walk back to the barracks, but I couldn’t find the road. Then that storm hit.”
    “What do you mean ‘it was twenty-thirty five’?” Sarah wasn’t sure what that number meant.
    “The year two thousand thirty five. Two hundred years from the date you just told me.” He glared at her.
    “You came here from the future? Is that even possible?” Sarah asked incredulously.
    “Well, I’m here, so I guess it is possible,” Chase laughed and shook his head again. “It definitely explains this whole setup here.” His eyes roamed the cabin.
    Her mind raced. What should she believe? Was Chase crazy in the head? Had he fallen and just didn’t know it? Her mind tried to process what he told her. He was from two hundred years in the future. Maybe his mind wanted to believe this was true, but Sarah shook her head in disbelief.

    Chapter 6
    “Sarah, I need to get back to the canyon. The answers are there, I know it.” Chase gulped his coffee, savoring the bitter taste. It matched the bitter feeling in his mind. “I need to get back to where I came from.”
    “It’s a two day walk,” Sarah said softly. “Are you sure you are up to such a journey.”
    Shit. Where was a car when you needed one? It would take forty minutes, at most.  “Two days? Are you sure it’s that far?”
    “On horseback it can be done in less than a day. I have no horse available, and in your condition, I don’t think you could walk it in less than two days.”
    “But you could?”
    “Yes, it makes for a long day, but I can walk it in less than two,” she answered confidently.
    The corners of his mouth rose. “You think you’re pretty tough, huh Angel?”
    She didn’t go for his bait. She glared at him from across the table. Why couldn’t he meet a girl like her at home? Her hair fell in waves down her chest and back, the sun streaming in from the window, adding coppery highlights to the mahogany colors.
    “I will take you to the canyon,” she

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