Yesterday's Bride

Yesterday's Bride by Susan Tracy Read Free Book Online

Book: Yesterday's Bride by Susan Tracy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Tracy
to peek in the oven.
    He probably expected the luxury-loving fashion model to bolt at the first sight of this place, Leigh told herself, grinning. Oh, if he only knew. She got good commissions for her modeling jobs now that she was sought after by the top magazines, but it hadn't always been that way. In fact, when she was just starting out, she had had quite a struggle, a hand-to-mouth existence for a while. She had refused financial help from her grandfather, determined to make it on her own, and she had. Her present apartment was quite cozy, but the first one that she could manage, without a roommate, had been one room with a hotplate for a kitchen and the bathroom down the hall.
    Opening a few cupboards to find dishes and cutlery, Leigh quickly set the formica-topped table for three, noting that someone had brought a booster seat for Jody. She was just putting a steaming chicken casserole on a mat in the center of the table when Jason came in, carrying a giggling Jody piggyback. He had discarded his gray suit for a plaid shirt and well-worn jeans, which closely molded his lean form. Not a spare ounce of flesh on him, Leigh thought as she watched the powerful shoulders flex when he swung Jody into her chair.
    Not wanting to be caught observing him, Leigh turned to the counter to slice the loaf of bread Smitty had provided.
    During lunch, Jason briefed her on Jody's routine and Leigh listened carefully. Never having taken care of a child before, she felt she needed all the pointers she could get.
    "How do you like the cottage?" Jason asked slyly, suddenly changing the subject.
    "Oh, it's not too bad," Leigh answered cheerfully.
    A look of ill-concealed surprise flitted across Jason's strong features. Clearly her response was not what he had expected.
    "It reminds me of my first apartment on my own," she continued, a gleam of mischief in the clear gray eyes. "Of course," she tilted her head consideringly, "this cottage is much larger than my place was."
    His only answer was a skeptical glance, the black eyebrows raised in disbelief.
    Leigh couldn't help adding with wide-eyed innocence. "I'm pretty handy with a paintbrush and a needle. Maybe you'd like me to fix the cottage up a bit for your next tenant while I'm here."
    With a frown, Jason pushed back his chair and stood up.
    "I have work to do. If you need help for any reason while I'm away, there's a bell hanging on a pole by the back door. Ring it. Around here, that signals emergency."
    He went to give Jody a kiss, telling her to be a good girl for her Auntie Leigh. Watching him, Leigh marveled at the tender expression on his usually cold face.
    "I should be back around dinnertime," was his farewell to her as he disappeared from view.
    Rather unsure of herself, Leigh approached Jody who was staring solemnly back at her, and tentatively held out a hand to help the child down from the table.
    "Uncle Jason says you have a nap after lunch, Jody. Would you like me to read you a story first?" she offered.
    The little girl nodded and led the way into the bedroom they were to share. In no time at all, Leigh had her tucked in, her teddy bear caught tightly under her arm.
    Poor little tyke, Leigh thought as she made her way back to the kitchen. It must be unsettling to be thrust into the care of a complete stranger.
    After the dishes were done, Leigh tiptoed back into the bedroom to check on the child. She was sleeping peacefully, the rather scruffy-looking bear still clutched to her. What an angel, Leigh thought at the sight of the brown curls tumbled on the pillow and the fat little cheeks rosy with sleep. Maybe these weeks wouldn't be so bad after all, with Jody as compensation.
    Actually, Leigh hadn't had a break from her job in several years. Every time she decided to take a few weeks off, some big assignment would come her way and Dan, her agent, would insist that she take it and defer the vacation.

    As quietly as possible, so she wouldn't disturb Jody, Leigh changed her

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