You Lucky Witch (A BBW Paranormal Romance): Demon Brothers

You Lucky Witch (A BBW Paranormal Romance): Demon Brothers by Marie Mason Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: You Lucky Witch (A BBW Paranormal Romance): Demon Brothers by Marie Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Mason
know when one tried to distract him for her own gain. Or from her punishment.
    Now, the woman before him glared at him as if he’d lost his damn mind. Maybe he had. He stalked toward her, coming to stop in front of her. Her scent filled his nostrils and he didn’t know if he could do this, make sure she was all right.
    “Take off your shirt, so I can see how badly you’re hurt.” He knew her skin had been pierced somewhere because he smelled the faint tinge of iron on her. He could only imagine the damage done from the twigs and rocks that had pummeled them. He clenched his hands at his side, wanting nothing more than to take off after Rafe and beat him to a bloody pulp. He could kill his brother for endangering the witch.
    Mine , his inner demon roared. Protect. Defend.
    “I’m fine. I think I’ll take a shower.” She sidestepped him, moving quickly and catching him off guard. Before he realized what she’d done, she was safely behind the locked bathroom door.
    Great, he thought. Now he’d scared her. And scaring the curvy little witch was the last thing he wanted to do.
    Against his better judgment, Roark stood by the bathroom door and listened to the heavy beat of Kayley’s heart as she stood on the other side. He braced his hands on either side of the doorframe, quietly gathering the strength to step away. Step away from the temptation. To not open the door. To not open the door and take the woman up against the bathroom wall.
    Listening to the sound of water falling, he willed his body to relax and calm down. He should be anticipating his turn taking a shower. Showers were a luxury in hell. As a demon, he didn’t really need to bathe, but the fall of cold water along his skin was an indescribable joy.
    Of course, he’d been in his own personal hell since Kayley had run into the bathroom. He wanted to follow her, make sure she hadn’t gotten hurt very badly in the forest. He wanted to absorb her into his body and protect her from everything if he could.
    He heard the rattle of the shower curtain rings as she pushed it aside. Then the changing resonance of the water as she moved under it. He imagined the water flowing over her bare skin, her hands running over her thick curves as she washed away the dirt and scent from their misadventure. Soap bubbles would slide from the tips of her nipples. Nipples he wanted to capture in his mouth and clench between this teeth.
    He closed his fist over the doorknob. He made it a strict policy not to mix business with pleasure. He’d only met her a fucking five hours ago. There was no way in hell — pun intended — that he could feel something for a woman, any woman, this fast. Yet, his body demanded he open the door and take the plump witch who had been a thorn in his side all day. A sexy, curvy, couldn’t-wait-to-fuck thorn. Having this witch beneath him, feeling her wet flesh closing around him would definitely be pleasure. Despite the warnings going off in his head, Roark couldn’t stop his body’s reaction thinking about her. His cock surged, and he knew, without some type of divine intervention, she was going to be his tonight.
    Letting go of the doorknob, he willed back his control as he walked out the door, seeking the cool night air.
    Kayley slammed the bathroom door shut behind her and quickly turned the lock. Was she locking Roark out, or herself in? The hunger that had flared in his eyes as he’d ordered her to take off her shirt had scared her because it had made her so hungry. Turning on the water, she stripped off her jeans and shirt, letting them fall to the floor in a dirty pile. Catching sight of herself in the mirror, she grimaced. She looked as if she’d had a fun-loving roll on a forest floor.
    She wished. Using her fingers, she combed through the long strands of hair, trying to get rid of as much debris as possible. Her face was smeared in what she prayed was dirt and not the dried-up droppings of some nocturnal creature. She looked down at

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