You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This

You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This by Karenna Colcroft Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This by Karenna Colcroft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karenna Colcroft
the challenge, she sent her mind into the space that allowed her to forget everything except the music and her partner.
    The song ended, but they continued the dance, moving now to unheard music, neither of them missing a step. Stefan threw in even more advanced moves, and still Erin kept up, not faltering in the partnership. He led her, and she followed. Their bodies moved together as if guided by one mind instead of two.
    Just like dancing with Scott had been.
    She pushed Stefan away and strode to the nearest window, arms crossed over her chest. Reflected behind her, Stefan slowly approached her. “I haven’t danced like that in a while,” he said softly. “I’m sorry if I screwed something up.”
    “You didn’t.” She refused to look at him, knowing she would see the same pain in his eyes that he’d shown the other night after she’d chosen to go home. “I—you’re a beautiful dancer, Stefan. That was amazing.”
    “I had an amazing partner.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “Thank you. Look at me, please?”
    She turned with a watery half-smile. “You’re an amazing partner too. I really enjoyed dancing with you like that.”
    “Then we’ll have to do it more often.” Softly, he kissed her forehead, and then wrapped his arms around her. “Whatever’s wrong, talk to me,” he urged. “I can listen, Erin.”
    “I’ll be fine.” She pressed her face against his chest, breathing in the scent of mingled perspiration and cologne. The scent of him, which soothed her more than words would have done. “I’m sorry I interrupted our dance.”
    “The music had ended anyway.” He stroked her hair. “You’ll dance with me again. We still have to practice for the competition, and we can always dance after class.” He paused. “Well, maybe not then. I wouldn’t want to make all the other guys there jealous by dancing with the most beautiful woman.”
    She shook her head. “I don’t think anyone would be jealous. And most beautiful? Please have your eyes checked.” She grinned. “Of course I’ll dance with you again. Tonight just reminded me of how I used to dance with Scott, and I became a little sad. I’m okay now.”
    “I’m glad you’re not sad anymore.” He released her, then took her hand and kissed the back of it. “Thank you for the dance.”
    “You already thanked me.” She curtsied. “Thank you.”
    He bowed. “Formal, huh? I like it.” He went over to the laptop. “Hey, I found a couple new songs I want to use for class. Listen to them and tell me what you think, okay?”
    She joined him beside the laptop, and just that quickly they moved from dance partners and lovers back to co-instructors. Instructor and assistant, she amended, reminding herself of what she’d been hired to do. Stefan instructed; she just helped demonstrate the steps. She preferred it that way.
    She approved the songs he’d chosen, and they went through them a couple of times, dancing together now they way they would to demonstrate the steps to their students. Stefan’s smile contained more than just an appreciation of her dancing, and in his eyes she saw a deep emotion she chose not to name.
    They spoke only about the class and the steps they would work on that night, which Erin appreciated. Dancing with him had been wonderful. Too wonderful, and now she needed the routine of the class to settle herself.
    Soon the students began trickling in. Stefan made small talk with some of them, while a couple of others who’d been attending for several months took Erin aside. “Have you heard about the competition Stefan helps organize?” the woman asked.
    “Yes, I have.” Butterflies fluttered through Erin’s abdomen. She had to be crazy to think she’d be able to partner with Stefan in that competition, especially given how weepy she’d become just dancing with him before class. “He told me it’s a charity thing for cancer research.”
    “I told you, Gerry,” the woman said to her husband.

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