Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1)

Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) by Krista Lakes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Yours Completely: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides #1) by Krista Lakes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista Lakes
hadn't found it yet. To be honest, he wasn't really looking for the gazebo, he was hoping that he'd run into her again.
    Just thinking about her made him smile, which was strange. Jace was no stranger to women. The labels of “playboy” and “superficial” were justly earned. He'd had plenty of lovers and had enjoyed them all immensely. But Ella was different.
    She was real. When she laughed, she threw her whole body into it. Her eyes sparkled when she smiled and when she was nervous, her blush was real, too. It was so different than the women he was used to. Plastic and born to manipulate, he was used to women who only wanted access to his pocketbook in exchange for a few good nights. He knew Ella was different.
    She was honest. innocent, but not annoyingly so. Her smile and jokes had been real, and not just because he was a billionaire. If anything, for a moment, she had allowed him to feel normal. In just the hour he spent with her, she had him smiling and feeling more refreshed than any other company had in years.
    Not to mention the chemistry. When she had fallen and he caught her, her body molded to his like she was made for him. She had felt so good in his arms, so right, that it was good they hadn't completed that kiss. Given how much dry hay was in that barn, any more sparks and the whole place would have gone up in flames. He'd never experienced such instant and strong attraction.
    It was strange. And now, he couldn't seem to think of anyone else.
    There were enough beautiful Hollywood starlets floating around the place that had he been his usual self, he would have had someone lined up to join him in bed tonight. Maybe even two. But he didn't want that. Not anymore.
    He didn't want anyone but Ella.
    And that was so unlike him that it made him question his sanity. The idea that a single conversation with a beautiful woman could rock his world so completely threw him off a little. He had always been a player, yet the idea of having only Ella was better than knowing he'd have a harem elsewhere.
    A small dirt path caught his attention. It was just ahead and barely visible against the lush greenery of the lake. It could be the path that Ella had mentioned, but she hadn't said it would be so small. He paused, debating if the dirt path was better than the concrete one.
    The sound of girlish giggles and the clack of high heels decided him. The guests coming around the bend could just be friends or possibly family, but the very real possibility of it being Rosalind and her gang of clones was too dangerous.
    Even before he met Ella, Rosalind and her groupies would have gotten a “no” from him this trip. He'd dated Rosalind once upon a time, but had quickly learned that she was just as cold inside as the money she craved. She wasn't even supposed to have been invited to the wedding, yet here she was. The same with so many other guests. Business and politics ruined everything.
    They were like sharks drawn to money instead of blood. Every one of them was husband hunting or searching for a pocketbook and he wasn't interested. He was smart enough to know the difference between a girl looking to put a famous notch in her bedpost and someone looking for a long con. He had given up on finding anyone who didn't want his money.
    Again, just like his father.
    He darted up the dirt path, hiding himself behind a tree as the gaggle of girls passed. It was definitely Rosalind. He shook his head and let out a sigh of relief as she passed without even glancing his direction. She was on the hunt and wasn't going to waste time hiking up dirt trails.
    With a grin, Jace turned and saw the gazebo. It was exactly like the photograph.
    Upon the announcement of the wedding, venues from all over the world had sent him requests and offers. The picture containing this small gazebo had fallen out of the envelope and Jace had felt in his bones it was the place for Madelyn to get married. It was this picture that had put Blue Lake Inn and

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