Zombie World

Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies
sure that my husband and my boy’s come
back safe. Paul said that he would make damn sure that nothing would happen to
Mia looked at him and said that if anything happens don’t come back here, if you do I
will bury you.
I looked at Mia and told her that I will be fine.
    It took us about an hour
to get to the trooper’s barracks. Paul yelled out to his men,
you know what to do I need three in the back, two on the right and two on the left. TC
I need you up there on the top of that building.
Paul and the rest of us headed to the front, Paul banged on the door. We waited but
not for long three zombies were in side.
Paul told me to step back that him and his men got this.
He whips open the door bang, bang, bang and all three were down.
He pointed to the three man in his team to head inside, as I was just going through the
first set of doors I hear bang, bang and one of his men yelled out clear hear. Then it
was like row call one by one clear hear.
Paul said the building is clear, we can look for what we need.
There were a lot of dead cops in this place and the smell was almost unbearable. Paul
hand me a bottle of Vicks and told me to rub some under my nose, he said that it
would help with the smell.
Wow I said this works great, I need to get me some of this.
He told me to keep it, I have more.
    Looking around in here I could not believe what I was seeing some of these troopers
killed them self before they turned. This place looks like Rambo came through. The
troopers that did turn they were missing arms and parts of their face, some had their
guts hanging out it looked horrible. Paul had his men move the bodies in to one room.
I also told them to put one more shot in their head just to make sure there not going to
come back.
Willie yelled out I found where they keep the weapons.
Paul told his me to get the weapons that the troopers had on them and to put them in a
different bag so they could clean them before anyone shoot them.
We walked in to the room Willie found and started to pack them up. There was a safe
in the room. Paul and I wondered what could be in there. Paul went in to the captain’s
office and started to look around in his desk.
I asked him, what are you looking for?
He stated that I am looking for the keys to that safe. I know that there has to be more
weapons in it.
I walked out to were his men were moving the bodies and asked if they found the
captain. They all said no, but one stood there and said yes he is right here. I went over
to the body, I bent down and went through his pockets and no keys I turned him over
and the key were on his belt loop. I grabbed them and headed in to the captain’s office
where Paul was.
I told him that I found his keys. I threw the to him.
We went back in to the room where the safe was, and Paul started to go through the
keys to find the one that would open the safe. It took him a few minutes but he found
the right one. He opened it and it was full. There were ammo and five machine guns
and three sniper rifles, and in the bottom of the safe there were a case of hand
grenades. Paul looked at me and said we hit the mother load.
    We were getting ready to head to W-mart. Paul told me that he wanted to stop at the
fire stone.
I asked him why do you want to stop there?
He told me that we are going to need lead for bullets.
I told him that W-mart would have that to they do tires there as well.
I know, but like I said we are going to need a lot of it. We are going also need to find
gun powder.
I don’t think W-mart is going to have that, Paul.
He said that if we are going to have to find a gun store for that.
I told him the only one know about around here is that there I one in the town of
Savona, and the town of Bath.
He said that we should be fine for now, but before we can go in to the city of Corning
we are going to need to find that gun powder.
    We wer
en’t at fire stone long, we went in grabbed what we needed and headed out.
We pulled in to the W-mart

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