ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel

ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel by Will Lemen Read Free Book Online

Book: ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel by Will Lemen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Will Lemen
zombie outbreak might be more of a risk than we really wanted to take.
    But, at the time I felt that we would probably need the fuel at some point down the road so to speak, and not having any other gasoline source, the van was the plan.
    "Do we have anymore containers we can use?" Billy asked, as he looked intently around the garage.
    "I don't think so, we have the two boat tanks and the mower can, and that's it," I answered.
    "So we can take fifteen gallons of gas with us, right?" Billy asked sounding a slight bit frustrated.
    "Right, unless we can find something else we can put gasoline into, real quick, and I don't see that happening.
    But the good news is, since I had intended to take the boat out on the river this weekend, the two boat tanks are full, so all we have to do is fill up the one gas can and we're set."
    Gin turned to me with a very worried look on her face.
    "How long will that take? To siphon the gas I mean."
    "Not long I hope; it depends on how much trouble the eaters give us," I replied confidently, unaware of how bad things were deteriorating outside of our house.
    Then pulling my pistol from my waistband, I tapped the butt of the gun saying. "But first things first, we'll need more guns than just this Glock."
    "I'll help you get them," Billy said quietly, sounding somewhat excited.
    "Me too!" Jacob added, with the same excited tone.
    "Let's all go back in the house and take another look around, maybe we can grab a couple of things that we missed the first time," I said, as I led the way into the house.
    I gathered together all of my firearms, ammo, and the relevant equipment that I had.
    We pulled the pillowcases off the bed and put the rifles, pistols, magazines, and ammo in them, and the remaining equipment such as holsters and slings were bundled into one of the bed sheets.
    Each of us took as much as we could lift, and carried it to the garage.
    You never really know how many guns you have, or how much they weigh, until you try to carry all of them at once, including their ammo, holsters, and assorted accessories.
    Passing Gin in the hallway she looked perplexed and asked, "Do we really need all of that?"
    Without any hesitation, I answered her question.
    "Honey, when you absolutely need a gun, there is no substitute! Remember, when seconds count, the police are just minutes away. And I think in this case, it seems that the police are never coming."
    Seemingly not totally convinced by my mini-lecture, Gin gave me what might be called a knowing look and said in a monotone voice.
    The weight of our equipment made the trek back to the garage seem longer than it really was. Even after each of us stopped once or twice along the way to give our hands a quick rest, by the time we got to the garage our hands and arms ached, and we were unable to maintain our hold on the makeshift transporters any longer, and they began to slip from our grasp as we entered the garage.
    "That was harder than I thought it would be," Jacob said, as he rubbed his hands together to get the blood circulating again.
    "You think everything is harder than you thought it would be," Billy said, as he too rubbed his hands together.
    We dumped the contents of the pillowcases and sheet onto the floor in a pile, and we wasted no time preparing to go outside and pump enough gas from our vehicle to fill the remaining gasoline container.
    Peeking out the side and only window in the garage, Billy said. "I only see two on this side; they're just stumbling around out there."
    "We don't know how many more might be on the other side of the garage door. There could be one, or none, or a whole lot more of them! So here's how we're going to do this," I said, with the sound of authority in my voice.
    “We might run into more than just eater’s out there, so we’re going to dress the part, besides, we don't want to go out into a world full of eaters in street clothes, so grab those camouflage uniforms over there. Mine is the multi-cam,

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